
Age is No Barrier

by Libby James At age 71, the marathon was Kellogg’s first, achieved after a long training period that included setbacks resulting from injuries and the development of an attitude that allowed her to run her […]

Life in NOCO

Colorado Shoe School

photos by Libby James     Annabel was finishing up a paint job when there was a minor explosion resulting in dark brown paint dripping down the side of the counter top and onto the […]


A disappearing house

A mile west and a few yards north of my house, one of my favorite biking routes begin. It’s a 12-mile ribbon of road that becomes increasingly rural as it heads north. After about four […]


Lolo’s Surprise

“I’m going to be sad,” LoLo told his dad as their horse loped along a dusty red path. “You know our home won’t be the same without you.” Dad said, “But you will learn so […]