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By Town of Timnath
What’s New!?
Save the Date: Comprehensive Plan Community Reception July 24
For several months, Town Staff and Steering Committee members have been meeting to update the Timnath Comprehensive Plan. Community members have been asked to provide feedback in the past, but now it’s time to work with you on our key goals and objectives and future land use choices.
Join us for an open house Community Reception July 24 from 11:30–1:30 p.m. and 6–8 p.m. at the Timnath Town Center (4750 Signal Tree Drive). Stop by anytime!
This will be your opportunity to provide input on the future of Timnath. Work with us to review and provide feedback on a variety of topics including:
- Key goals and objectives
- Future land use choices
- Which areas are in most need of commercial nodes
- Locations where a future park could be located
- Areas where the Town could create better open space links or connections
- Appropriate areas for diverse housing options including future duplexes or townhomes
If you can’t attend, we will be providing additional opportunities for input online in late July.
Phase 2 Summary:
Phase 2 of the Comprehensive Plan focused on the development and revision of six different vision statements. The Phase 2 outreach involved attendance at the Holiday Tree Lighting on December 7, 2018, and an online survey. Respondents were asked about their general support for the vision statements and opportunities to implement the vision. Click here to review the revised vision statements and view the community feedback on the preliminary options.
Next Steps:
The feedback we received during Phase 2 will be used to create Future Land Use Maps. Staff and the Steering Committee are also working to update the Comprehensive Plan’s goals and objectives based on the received feedback and existing condition trends.
The next chance for the public to engage in an online survey and public meetings will be available in March. If you’re interested in learning more and being notified about future information, click here and subscribe to Community Events notifications.
About the Plan
The Town of Timnath is preparing an update of the Timnath Comprehensive Plan, which guides the physical development of the Town. The process will update our vision, examine key community needs, capitalize on future opportunities and refine our future growth. This Plan Update will also incorporate and combine the existing Downtown Plan and the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan into one document.
Current building permit trends suggest that the Town’s population could grow from 4,000 residents to 12,000 in the next 10-15 years. As such, it is imperative that the community continues to strategically plan for this expected growth. The Plan Update will reflect the desire of the community to maintain its small-town character and to support and manage growth in a responsible manner.
Phase 1 Summary:
To kick off the planning process, the Town and consultant team began by discussing current issues and opportunities and informed stakeholders and the public about the overall process. This was done by holding a series of events and an online survey where residents were encouraged to feedback on the process. We heard that the community loves the small-town feel, overall quality of life and family-friendly living Timnath offers. However, the Comprehensive Plan should also further guide the Old Town area, pedestrian and bicycle connections and preserve the sense of character and open space.
If you’re interested in learning more, the Phase 1 Foundation and Public Launch document summarizes the feedback received from these various events and online comments. Read it HERE.
What is the Steering Committee’s Role?
The Steering Committee is a working group who has been selected by Town leadership and who are vested in Timnath’s future. The Committee represents a variety of perspectives and interests to provide input on all aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. They have been tasked with assisting in and actively engaging in the outreach process to garner participation from their friends, neighbors, family, etc., representing the community, being a sounding board for key concepts and alternatives, reviewing sections of the plan at key points, and advocating for the final Comprehensive Plan.
Schedule Overview
2013 Timnath Comprehensive Plan
PROST (Parks/Recreation/Open Space/Trails) Master Plan
Timnath Comprehensive Plan Map