Fort Collins, Colo. – TEAM Wellness & Prevention has suspended Restaubar 1501’s Responsible Association of Retailers (RAR) membership in light of the recent suspension of the bar’s liquor license. Per the Responsible Alcohol Retailer (RAR) bylaws, the process for the Peer Review Committee will be initiated. The Peer Review Committee is designed to work with members to address accusations that are contrary to the RAR Code of Ethics. The committee consists of six un-biased member business representatives, two off-premise and two on-premise, one Loveland member, and one cannabis chapter member. The intent of the review process is to provide accused members the opportunity to explain situations and to extend resources to avoid future incidences. The Peer Review Committee is designed to protect the integrity of the RAR program and its members. This does not indicate that Restaubar 1501 has been expelled from the group. The process provides an opportunity gain further information about the incident, provide resources to the accused to correct systems, and, most importantly, to give members the chance to restore their reputation in the community and among their fellow members. The suspension from the program will remain in effect until a decision by the Peer Review Committee is made regarding Bondi’s membership status.
“We are extremely concerned about the egregious nature of the violations that Restaubar 1501 is accused of. If substantiated, the alleged violations display a wanton and willful desire to break the law and to profit from illegal activity that is not in alignment with our RAR code of ethics and our community values,” said Gordon Coombes, Executive Director of TEAM Wellness & Prevention.
“Ultimately, the status of Restaubar 1501’s membership will be determined by the Peer Review Committee. TEAM applauds the Fort Collins Police Services for their investigation into the alleged violations and their effort to enforce our community values.”
Responsible Association of Retailers (RAR) is a group of businesses who adhere to a Code of Ethics around the safe sale and service of alcohol. Members are liquor stores, bars, restaurants, and other businesses that provide a service to alcohol retailers that support their efforts. The group first convened in the fall of 2004.
RAR members are united in their commitment to the following goals:
● Preventing access to alcohol by minors
● Avoiding business practices that promote high-risk drinking
● Providing options for patrons to get home safely
● Collaborating with community entities to solve challenges faced by alcohol retailers
● Providing server responsibility training opportunities for staff
● Cultivating a relationship built on trust with Fort Collins and Loveland Police Departments
● Informing the community about our commitment to reduce underage drinking
Code of Ethics
The first RAR members convened in response to a recommendation by the Colorado State University Presidential Task Force on Underage Drinking (2004) to draft a Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics represented a public commitment to prevent underage access to alcohol and high risk drinking behavior. The RAR Code of Ethics continues to serve as the group’s guiding principles today.
1. We diligently check IDs to ensure that we do not sell alcoholic beverages to any person under the legal drinking age (21). Our employees are trained in how to validate the authenticity of IDs.
2. We encourage designated drivers as well as the use of public transportation and community ride programs for customers who may be at risk of exceeding the legal limits.
3. We train our employees how to identify individuals who are inebriated, and we will not sell or serve alcohol to those individuals.
4. We instruct our employees to contact emergency responders if they suspect individuals are exhibiting signs of alcohol poisoning.
5. We follow the rules and regulations of the Colorado Department of Revenue-Liquor Enforcement Division, as well as our local liquor licensing authority .
6. We support state and local law enforcement personnel and practices.
7. We conduct business in a responsible manner and will not tolerate activities that are offensive to the general senses of the average citizen or to the residents of the surrounding neighborhood.
8. We advocate the responsible consumption of alcohol in our promotions and drinks specials.
9. We promote alcohol awareness and education within our establishments.
10. We are community members, neighbors, taxpayers, parents, and contributors to local charities, and we are proud to conduct business in our community.
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