Annie Lindgren
North Forty News
The Town of Wellington will be voting on increasing the water rates for all commercial properties (non-residential) to match similar increases that have already taken place for residential properties. On September 20, 2021, letters were sent out to business owners, discussing the four different options of rate increases.
Wellington is in the process of expanding its water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant. This requirement is due to current water capacity issues and compliance with Colorado Department of Health and Environment requirements. To pay for the expansion of the water treatment plant, in 2020, the Board of Trustees approved an increase in residential base rates to $66. Tiers were increased to $4.56 for the first 15,000 gallons of water, $5.70 for over 15,000, and $7.72 for over 30,000 gallons.
At this time, there have been no increases to non-residential rates. The Town currently has 137 non-residential accounts; 101 have ¾” meters, 25 have 1” meters, 4 have 1.5” meters, and 7-2” meters. In August 2021, the Trustees received a presentation outlining options for increases to those rates to align with the current residential base rate of $66. There are currently no tiers for non-residential customers.
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Four options presented to non-residential water users were explained with charts. The first one involves an increase only to the non-residential rates below the $66 residential base rate. The second option includes the above change with an added expansion of the tiers for increased rates based on gallons used over 15,000 and 30,000 gallons of water. The third option involves keeping the base rate at $66 for all tap sizes, including residential tiers. The fourth option begins with a base rate of $66 and establishes rates using flow rate and meter size with no tiers. Staff plans to recommend option 1 for non-residential customers, with the goal to look at tiers the next time a water study is completed. The proposed option will bring all water customers with the same base fee billing structure.
The vote will take place at the October 26, 2021 trustee meeting. If you are a business owner and want your voice heard about any concerns you may have and how they will impact your business operations or profitability, attend the town Board of Trustee’s meeting on October 12 or October 26 at 6:30 pm. The meetings are at the Leeper Center, at 3800 Wilson Ave. You can also send any written comments of concern directly to Town Administrator, PattyGarcia, [email protected] BEFORE October 18, and your view will be shared with the Mayor and the Board of Trustees before any vote takes place.
For more information on the topic of water bills in Wellington, visit wellingtoncolorado.gov.