Monday, January 22, 2018
1:30pm – 2:30pm Community Development work session with Terry Gilbert, Community Development Director regarding:
1. Director Updates
2. Wildlife Hazard Area Fees
3. Comprehensive Plan: Follow-up on fee conversation
3:00pm – 6:00pm Land Use Items with Development Review Team, Hearing Room, 1st Floor
* McCreary Appeal
PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT ITEMS: *Will not be discussed unless requested by Commissioners or members of the audience.
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*1. STRATTON PARK ESTATES 1ST FILING LOTS 10 & 15 AMENDED PLAT FILE #17-LAND3715 Request: Amended Plat for Lot 15 to give approximately an acre to Lot 10, Stratton Park Estates 1st Filing; Location: Situated north of Rist Canyon Road; located at 246 Mount Ethel Road & 384 Mount Ethel Road.
*2. SUNRISE ACRES 9TH FILING LOTS 2A & 3 AMENDED PLAT FILE #17-LAND3717 Request: Amended Plat to extend the southern property line of the existing Lot 3, Sunrise Acres 9th Filing to meet the edge of the new Highway 14 frontage road re-alignment which will bisect the existing Lot 2A. The existing Lot 2A will become Lot 1 and the existing Lot 3 will become Lot 2. Location: Situated east of Greenfields Ct and west of Sherry Drive; located at 3441 E Mulberry Street & 3321 E Mulberry Street.
3. J & J CONSTRUCTION CODE COMPLIANCE, FILE #16-CCC0171; Violation: The property owner is in violation of the Larimer County Land Use Code, Section 4.3.10.B. Home Occupation for exceeding the limits of the home occupation regulations and Section 4.3.10.P. Home Occupation for violating the accessory rural occupation regulations since heavy equipment storage is an excluded use and no approval from the Planning Department has been granted. Location: 4080 Country Mountain Dr, Loveland
6:30pm – 10:00pm Land Use Items with Development Review Team, Hearing Room, 1st Floor
1. TRIPLE H 2ND AMENDED SPECIAL REVIEW, FILE #17-ZONE2224 Request: A Second Amendment to the Triple H Special Review (Files Z 45-77 & Z 65-78). The Amendment would reduce the physical extent of the Special Review approval for a 9,500 head feed yard; Location: 5100 E. County Road 70, Wellington; located northeast of the intersection of County Road 70 and County Road 5
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
9:00am – 11:00am Public Comment, Administrative Matters, and Consent Agenda Approval/Document Execution by Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Specific agenda items for Administrative Matters and Consent Agenda are viewable in the BCC Office on the 2nd Floor, and at larimer.org/bocc/commissioners-meetings/internet-broadcasts-commissioners-meetings.
Legal Matters with Jeannine Haag, County Attorney
1:30pm – 2:30pm Administrative Direction to County Management, Sprague Lake Conference Room, 2nd Floor
6:00pm – 9:00pm Commissioner Johnson will attend City of Fort Collins Council meeting re: Behavioral Health
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
8:30am – 10:00am Commissioner Donnelly will visit with citizens at the Trailhead Cafe, 375 Meadowlark Drive, Berthoud. Guests: Laurie Stolen, Larimer County’s Behavioral Health Project Director, and Lorenda Volker, Assistant County Manager, will be giving updates on Mental Health Matters.
9:00am – 4:00pm Commissioner Gaiter may attend the Community Health Improvement Summit, The Ranch, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland
6:00pm – 7:30pm Commissioner Gaiter will visit with Waverly citizens, Turning Point at Waverly School, Waverly. Guest will be Laurie Stolen, Larimer County’s Behavioral Health Project Director, who will be giving updates on Mental Health Matters.
7:00pm – 8:00pm Commissioner Johnson may attend the Fair Board meeting, McKee 4-H Youth & Community Building, The Ranch, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland
Thursday, January 25, 2018
7:30am – 9:00am Commissioner Gaiter will visit with citizens at Dazbog Coffee, 401 Mason Court, Fort Collins. Guest will be Laurie Stolen, Larimer County’s Behavioral Health Project Director, who will be giving updates on Mental Health Matters.
12:00pm – 1:30pm Commissioner Gaiter will visit with citizens at the Red Feather Lakes Community Library, 71 Fire House Lane, Red Feather Lakes. Guest will be Laurie Stolen, Larimer County’s Behavioral Health Project Director, who will be giving updates on Mental Health Matters.
9:00am – 3:00pm Commissioner Gaiter will participate in Colorado Counties, Inc. Justice & Public Safety Committee, General Government Committee, Tourism, Resorts & Economic Development Committee, and Transportation & Telecommunications Committee Meetings, via phone conference
12:30pm – 2:00pm Commissioner Johnson may attend the Colorado Counties, Inc. Taxation and Finance Committee meeting, CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
Friday, January 26, 2018
7:30am – 9:00am Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI) Legislative Breakfast, State Capitol, Denver
9:00am – 11:00am Commissioner Johnson will attend Colorado Counties, Inc., Health & Human Services Committee Meeting, at CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
11:00am – 12:00pm Commissioner Donnelly will attend Colorado Counties, Inc. Public Lands Committee Meeting, at CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
12:00pm – 1:00pm Commissioner Gaiter will attend the Colorado Counties, Inc. Board Meeting, CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
12:30pm – 2:00pm Commissioner Donnelly will attend Colorado Counties, Inc. Land Use & Natural Resources Committee Meeting, at CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
2:00pm – 3:00pm Commissioner Donnelly will attend the Colorado Counties, Inc. Agriculture, Wildlife & Rural Affairs Meeting, at CCI, 800 Grant Street, Suite 500, Denver
Highlighted meetings are of greater public interest.
Policy Decision will be made at this meeting.
Indicates televised meeting on Comcast Fort Collins Cable Channel 14, U.S. Cable Channel 16, and Loveland Cable Channel 16.
Meeting will be broadcast on the internet at the address:
Larimer County will make reasonable accommodations and will make special communication arrangement for persons with disabilities. Please call 498-7010 for assistance.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the Commissioners’ Conference Room of the Larimer County Courthouse, 200 West Oak, Fort Collins, Colorado. Agenda is subject to change.
The Larimer County Virtual Courthouse is available on the web at larimer.org
January 23
3:30pm Board of Adjustment Field Trip
5:00pm Board of Adjustment Dinner
6:00pm Board of Adjustment – Hearing Room, 1st Floor
January 24
7:00pm Fair Board – Thomas McKee 4-H Youth Community Building, The Ranch, Loveland
January 25
8:30am Flood Review Board – Watson Lake Conference Room, 3rd Floor
12:00pm Juvenile Community Review Board – Human Services, 2555 Midpoint, Suite E, Fort Collins – Executive Session – CRS 24-6-402 (4) (c)
1:30pm Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee – Fire House Meeting Room, 44 Fire House Lane, Red Feather Lakes
5:00pm Open Lands Advisory Board Meeting, Loveland Civic Center Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 500 E Third Street, Loveland
Extension Services Committee meetings will be posted on the bulletin board by the public entrance to the Extension Office at 1525 Blue Spruce, Fort Collins, Colorado; or contact the Extension Office at 498-6000 for further information.