Year: 2015

Santa visits Wellington Fire Station
Wellington seekers after Santa Claus are especially lucky. A visit to the jolly old fellow in their town also includes a tour of fire trucks housed at the Wellington Fire Department and a chance to […]

Top Parties This Holiday Season
| By Anthony Cross | The holiday season is in full swing and it’s a time of nonstop events. Many people choose to party, others spend time relaxing and enjoying time with family. After you […]

Obituary: Natalya Bowen
Natalya Bowen of Wellington died unexpectedly on Dec. 9, 2015, at age 33. Natalya is survived by her husband, Matthew Bowen, parents Mark and Laurie Weisgerber, siblings Corinna Hull, Patrick Weisgerber and Danielle Weisgerber; grandparents […]

Animal rescue: Animal Debt Project saves lives, changes lives
Edie Messick has a passion. And she dreams big. She ended a 21-year career with a stock brokerage firm in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2007 and was at loose ends for a while. […]

Bohemian Foundation awards more than $500,000 to nonprofits
Bohemian Foundation announced Dec. 17 that it awarded $500,500 to 33 local nonprofits working to encourage and enable youth to thrive, empower individuals and families on the path toward economic stability and strengthen our vibrant […]

Small acreage stewardship program starts Jan. 19
If you are new to managing a small acreage, thinking about purchasing one or are interested in learning how to make your property more sustainable, save money and reduce inputs to your land, you will […]

Roamin the Range Jan. 2016
Happy New Year! How about an evening out on the town? Have you been to the Budweiser Events Center recently? For tickets and specific information about upcoming events there call 877-544-TIXX (8499) or see comcastTIX.com. […]

Slash pile burning planned at Larimer County Parks and Open Spaces
Each winter, Larimer County burns slash piles to improve forest health and reduce the threat of wildfire. These burns meet state and local fire regulations. Properties that may see slash pile burns this winter include […]

Weather keeps field trip off Bellvue Seniors' agenda, but covered-dish supper still is on
by Lola Cook No field trip planned for January because of weather conditions. Look forward to an outing next month. Jan. 7, Council meeting at 10 a.m. followed by lunch. Jan. 14, 11-noon Blood pressure […]