Dispelling Recent Rumors about the Timnath Police Department

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Town of Timnath

Mayor Jill


Fellow Residents of Timnath:

I would like to address some rumors and misinformation that is out there and set the record straight.  This council is today and has always been very supportive of our police department and proud of our officers, and will continue to move as quickly as possible to 24/7 coverage with a fully staffed Timnath police force.  You will see in our budget this year dedicated dollars for additional officers, and next year for more officers and a new police station.  Additionally, in future budgets the adding of police officers until we have 24/7 coverage.  We will continue to move forward to building the best police department in Northern Colorado.

We do have a very good relationship and a contract and have had for many years, with Larimer County Sheriff Office to support us for example, until we have 24/7 coverage, provide dispatch services, and other mutual aid when there is an emergency or additional officers are needed.  We will most likely always have a mutual aid agreement with them.  As a responsible council should, we will continue to do our due diligence to make sure we are providing the best in class benefit for our residents for the best value.

Our resident survey did support public safety as a top priority, and council heard that and is very committed to that as well, and as a result, budgeted more dollars to get to 24/7 more quickly.  The reason the Town Center was built first, is simply because of immediate space demands for administration, and it takes time to properly build a police force and bring in more officers, so construction in 2020 -2021 is just the right timing for the police station need.  The police force is currently working in the 4800 Goodman administration building while the new one is being designed and built right next to the Poudre Fire Authority station.

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Our current police chief, Sherri Wagner, will retire in January of 2020, after graciously serving Timnath for almost 12 years.  We, the council, are very grateful for her dedication and service and we will miss her.  We will be initiating a nationwide search for her replacement shortly and will be seeking another strong leader that also believes in community policing, and fostering a growing community that continues to feel safe.

Many communities our size are not able to afford their own police staff and as a result, they contract the services, this does have a financial benefit, but may not provide the community feel that residents desire.  We are fortunate that we do have the revenue resources to provide this critically important service within Timnath, and although not fully 24/7 yet, certainly working to that end as quickly as possible.

I am certainly happy to answer any questions anyone might have and to help make sure you have accurate information.  On behalf of council, thank you for your interest in Timnath and our officers, and for taking the time to get involved.  I always encourage people to come to our council meetings, the next one is August 27, 2019, at 6:00 PM, at the Town Center.

Respectfully, Jill

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