
Glad I Waited

By Phil Goldstein | North Forty News I didn’t get married until I was 48. Knowing how cautious, particular and self-indulgent I am, I figured the longer I waited, the better my chances of getting […]


We Remember Their Service

  By Jody Shadduck-McNally   Recently I was hiking with a combat veteran in Rocky Mountain National Park. As we both took in the amazing beauty of our national park and talked about his life […]


Thanks Mom and Dad

Phil Goldstein | North Forty News   My parents paid for the bachelor’s degree in journalism that I earned in 1973. I then proceeded to not use that education for 44 years because I got […]



By Phil Goldstein  | North Forty News I was recently invited to interview with a Timnath-area magazine about the growth of pickleball in the town and my role in it. The publisher said the article […]


Trooper Tips: Spring Hazards to Look out For

by Sergeant Patrick Rice | Colorado State Patrol Public Affairs As our beautiful state emerges from winter and makes the 30-minute transition into spring, there are a few important things to remember that Coloradoans sometimes […]


Restoring Public Trust

  By John Kefalas   As a Larimer County commissioner, restoring public trust through active listening and strengthening relationships is very important. Stay with me as we explore the meaning of trust, honest relationships, and […]