Financial Perspectives

By Lucas Casarez

Certified Financial Planner®


“Take Your Financial Confidence To The Next Level”

10 Questions to Ask Your Financial Planner

When it comes to your finances, it is very easy to get caught up in things that don’t really matter. We are always observing the world around us and sometimes those observations change into comparisons. Comparisons can be harmless, but if they lead to jealousy or being a snob, then they can quickly impact your behavior and mindset. When you find yourself tying financial comparisons to how good you feel, it’s important to remember that material items and even income themselves are all relative.


I’ve seen ultra high-earners struggle with the ability to be able to retire and maintain their lifestyle. I’ve also seen average wage earners have a relaxing and early retirement.


Do you think that people who own large homes or super expensive vehicles are superior at building wealth? More often these individuals have a greater degree of financial stress and are not as wealthy as they may appear to be. It’s the sneaky “millionaire next door” who drives a basic Ford automobile and owns a modest home who is more likely to build wealth.


Some individuals have different starting points, millennials specifically may be saddled with student loan debt, but an individual who had college paid for might appear to be better with money because they had a head start.


It’s important to have perspective rather than comparing yourself to others. With perspective, you can focus on what actually matters, which are your experiences and goals. In addition to what’s important to you, you also have to operate within your own reality of your resources and obligations. If you are not ecstatic about your current situation, the great thing about this country is that there are limitless opportunities to change your current path. Usually, drastic changes are not easy, but committing to improving your situation and then immediately STARTING! Starting is so important.


Lucas Casarez is a husband, father of two amazing kids, and a Certified Financial Planner™. He founded Level Up Financial Planning, which is one of the few fee-only financial planners in Northern Colorado. The mission of Level Up Financial Planning is to guide his clients in taking their financial confidence to the next level. 


Have a personal finance question you would like me to answer in a future week?


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