Letter to the Editor: Early Learning and Care is Vital to Long-Term Recovery

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

This Letter to the Editor is solely the opinion of its author. It does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper. We intend to present messages from both sides of the aisle. Email [email protected] to submit your Letter to the Editor.


To the Editor:

As Colorado and the rest of the country are building back the economy, we must remind policymakers that early learning and care is vital to our long-term recovery. President Biden understands this, and that’s why his Build Back Better Plan includes a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s childcare and early education system. We need to rally around this plan to ensure Congress gets on board.

Childcare and early education is crucial not just for kids, but also the economy. Did you know that 6.4 million children – 59% of children under age 5 – are in a care arrangement with a non-parent provider? How will these millions of parents get back to work without a safe place to send their kids? On top of this, the early learning and care industry contributes approximately $100 billion to our economy and employs over 1.5 million people. We can’t afford to lose this income and job opportunity!

Childcare and early learning benefits everyone – even those of us who don’t have kids. This is a bipartisan issue, and one that must be prioritized.

Join me and Save the Children Action Network in urging Colorado Legislatures to prioritize investments in early education and care through supporting the Build Back Better Plan. It’s time our nation’s policymakers put aside party differences and do what’s best for kids, families and our future.


Nicole Lamb

Teacher, Doctoral Student, and Volunteer Advocate

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