You’re the benefactor

By Creed Kidd
Library Director

Red Feather Lakes Community Library
PO Box 123, 71 Firehouse Lane
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545
970-881-2664 (voice)
970-881-2836 (fax)
[email protected]


Red Feather Lakes Community Library – located in beautiful, downtown Red Feather Lakes Village – offers a great many options for reading and viewing.

We have on-shelf 12,000 print titles ranging from Dr. Seuss to the latest Box and Baldacci tomes. That’s supplemented by 30,000 downloadable titles available through OverDrive, access to one million titles through Colorado interlibrary loan and millions more through e-purchase.

Interlibrary loan is a two-week wait; the latter a 15-minute download and installation on our circulating e-reader. In any event, we’re able to offer services that fifteen years ago were impossible.

You’re the benefactor.

We’re now pleased to announce that our heavily used DVD collection – the bang for the buck in our annual circulation metric – is enhanced by the addition of some viewing ‘big’ ‘new’ ‘things.’

‘New’ in the sense of a small but growing Blu-Ray collection, seeded by local donations and a gift of additional titles by the Anythink Libraries.

‘Big in the addition of several streaming services. Kanopy, offering 30,000 recent movies, classics, television shows, the Great Courses collection, critically acclaimed animated children’s books through Weston Woods, and more. All you need is your Red Feather Lakes Library card and a compatible device – PC, Mac, Roku, Chromecast, Fire TV or phone or tablet – to set up an account and access.

Interested? go to and set up an account; a five-minute process.

Other ‘things’ include a recent subscription to AcornTV – 80+ British and Aussie TV series, TV movies, documentaries and more. Check out ‘Doc Martin,’ ‘The Detectorists,’ ‘Midsomer Murders’ and much more for a week at a time. Great for binge-watching and many titles suitable for late-night night-capping, from comedies to cozies.

Accessing is a five-minute process at using your Red Feather Lakes Library card.  Most portable devices are compatible as well as smart TVs and computers.

Also ‘new,’ we’re offering IndieFlix, a 6,000-title collection of independent movie productions, classic TV, documentaries, selections from the major film festivals – titles comprehensively representing all viewing genres and originating from 85 different countries.

Both mainstream and off-beat titles. Access (with your library card) at

Now, we’re aware of the broadband issues that frustrate many of us here in the Colorado mountains and your individual situation may make streaming difficult. As a rough- ‘n-ready rule, if you’re able to stream YouTube you’ll very likely run these services.

If not, we continue to develop and offer a robust DVD collection that is available for borrowing seven days a week from 9 AM through 6 PM: new titles added every week.

As another alternative, we’ll be soon introducing the ‘Library After Hours’ program that will allow you to ‘check out’ the library’s Stenzel Community Room after 6 PM for use of the library’s equipment in accessing these services. Contact us for further details: 970-881-2664.

Also, the Kanopy service offers many titles for public performance use, providing there is no charge for the event itself.  You’ll need your Kanopy account, internet access, a venue, and an audience. That’s all. Happy viewing.


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