Are You Really Getting High-Quality CBD Oil Tincture?

Forty-two people were arrested over the last three days in one of the largest black market marijuana enforcement actions in Colorado history, announced U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn, DEA Denver Division Special Agent in Charge William T. McDermott, 18th Judicial District Attorney George Brauchler and 17th Judicial District Attorney Dave Young.  During the last two years, over 250 locations have been searched. 

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Making sure you get the highest-quality CBD oil tincture is important. What can you do to make sure you’re only getting the best product?

One of the most important things to consider when you’re purchasing CBD oil tincture is the quality of the products you’re receiving. Obviously, you want to assume that the products you’re purchasing are of the quality they claim to be. However, it’s unfortunately common for companies to produce low-quality CBD oil tincture, then market it the same way as high-quality products. What can you do to make sure you’re getting a high-quality product? Try these tips for getting the highest-quality CBD oil tincture every time.

1. Look Through the Website

Your first step should be to look through the website. Obviously, a low-quality manufacturer can still have a well-developed website and well-written copy. However, it’s much more likely for a low-quality manufacturer to have put very little money into building and maintaining the site.

Consider things like repetitive text, a website that’s extremely difficult to navigate, and web copy that doesn’t read fluidly. If you see a lot of these things, it’s more likely that the company hasn’t spent money on its website, which can also lead to the company spending less money on the product.

2. Read Reviews On the Website and Elsewhere

Reviews are a great way to learn more about a product. A company’s website will usually have a place for views, but of course, some people will be wary of these reviews. You can browse through the reviews to see which ones look like they were written by real people and which look poorly-written or staged.

Of course, another way you can find untampered reviews is by finding reviews on third-party websites. However, take reviews left on consumer complaint websites with a grain of salt; the only people seeking these websites out are people who have a problem with the company, which means they’re going to skew negative.

3. See What the Company Says About Its CBD Oil Tincture

What is the company itself saying about the product it’s selling? There are a few things you should pay attention to here. Specifically, you want to know what the company’s claiming, whether the company’s in line with legal requirements, and how much effort the company seems to have put into the descriptions and pictures.

First off, how does the company describe its own product? Does it make reasonable claims, outlandish claims, or almost no claims? Next, you should make sure the company’s sticking to legal requirements regarding CBD oil tincture advertising. A company that flouts legal requirements probably isn’t one you want to purchase from. Last, generally check to see how much effort the company seems to have put into its listings.

4. Check for Third-Party Quality Control

Third-party quality control is one of the most important parts of purchasing any supplement, especially CBD. The FDA doesn’t federally regulate the quality of supplements, so it doesn’t guarantee any supplement’s quality. To deal with the lack of oversight, many companies have instead started using third-party testing companies.

A high-quality CBD oil tincture company will freely advertise its availability of third-party quality control. If you can’t find any information about third-party quality control, or the third-party quality control seems vague and elusive, it’s probably best to move on.

5. Keep an Eye On the Efficacy of Your CBD Oil Tincture

Lastly, make sure you’re paying attention to how effective your CBD oil tincture actually ends up being. Especially if you’re switching brands or purchasing a new bottle, you want to watch and make sure the tincture strength stays consistent.

Non-consistent strength is a huge problem with supplements, and CBD is no exception. With third-party quality control and a company that’s willing to put in money and time, you’re less likely to have worries about strength, but it’s still a good thing to pay attention to.


Overall, the company you purchase your CBD oil tincture from matters a lot. Companies will often either be trustworthy or not trustworthy and if you’re willing to only purchase from trustworthy companies, you’re more likely to get a quality product. Trustworthy companies like Charlotte’s Web have developed a reputation in the community for providing the best possible CBD oil tincture. Maintain your CBD quality by only purchasing from companies like Charlotte’s Web, which have a well-deserved reputation.

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