Visit the new Jax Outdoor Gear & Ranch & Home at 5005 W 120th in Broomfield on Saturday December 3 from 11 am to 3 p.m. as the retailer once again hosts myriad local authors to discuss, autograph, and sell their books.
Over 125 titles authored by 35 participating Colorado authors will be on display and available for you to peruse and purchase. Ten percent of the retail price of all books sold at the event will be donated to the Broomfield Public Library. Crafts and coloring activities for kids plus a drawing every hour to win tickets for 2 to the Butterfly Pavilion.
A small sampling of the many interesting participants and diverse books available at the event:
Daniel Jorgensen, Broomfield, “And The Wind Whispered”
Stan Adamson, Broomfield,” Paul Nesbit’s Longs Peak: Its Story and a Climbing Guide”
Alan Apt, Nederland, “Afoot and Afield-184 Spectacular Outings in the Colorado Rockies”
Phyllis Perry, Boulder, “Bold Women in Colorado History”
Cathy Morrison, Livermore Illustrator, “The Prairie That Nature Built”
Stu Campbell, Granby, “Humor around Horses”
Kenneth Jessen, Loveland, “Ghost Towns, Colorado Style”
Marc Smith, Loveland, “The Wyoming Camping Guide”
Janet St. Jacques, Loveland, “Horse Trails of Colorful Colorado”
Gary Raham, Wellington, “Confessions of a Time Traveler”
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Stop by to chat with authors of books on hiking, climbing, camping, horse training, fly-fishing, fossils, ecology, Colorado history, ghost towns, and a host of other fascinating topics. Rub elbows with local award-winning mystery writers, novelists, and children’s authors and illustrators. You might discover just the right gift for someone on your holiday shopping list–or yourself. See the growing list of participating authors and illustrators at