Wellington Public Library update for April, 2013

As many of you are aware, we have e-books available through the Wellington Public Library website. All you need is to log onto the website, have your 14-digit library card number, your password and the device of your choice. We have over 6,000 titles to choose from.

What I’ve noticed is people can be divided about the e-books vs. physical books.

By Kathy Bornhoft

I wouldn’t say it is as hotly contested as coffee vs. tea, Colorado vs. Nebraska, or, at my family reunions, pennies, necessary or not. But people do take sides. It seems to boil down to this: Some of us prefer the texture and feel of a physical book. We enjoy the turn of the page and being able to see how far we are in a book. I enjoy seeing books around my house, and the pleasant surprise when one of my kids picks one up and starts reading. I think the cover of a book can entice someone into reading a book.

Some like the convenience of an e-book. They like the ability to have many books at their fingertips, especially when they travel. If you should happen to need larger print, you can adjust your device so it’s easier to read. Also I’ve been told you can read in bed and the backlighting from the device won’t disturb you spouse. So being good librarians, we are able to see the value in both a book or e-book. We are plain and simple pro-reading in whatever form you chose.

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April 21 through 27 is National Volunteer Week. In case any of you are under the misconception that all the work here at the library is done by the staff, we must confess: We have a team of volunteers that are the real reason this place looks so good and runs so well. Thank you to our shelvers and straighteners: Norma Bulera, Kate Hendren, Bob Lemmon, Hildy Hobbs, Kay Ann Stull, Marge McKenzie and Deanna Estes. Thank you Carol Bering Clemons for all the projects you cheerfully do for the library. Thank you to Doug Kottal and Alice Hirschhorn for covering our books and the plants here at the library owe their lives to Alice who takes such great care of them. We cannot thank you enough for your time and effort.

April promises to be full of fun activities. The Wellington Public Library Book Club meets April 4 at 7 p.m. We are discussing “Ruby Among Us,” by Wyoming author Tina Ann Forkner. The Wellington Library Friends are hosting a huge used book sale at the library during National Library Week- April 15 through 20. And this year we are proud to have the Eyestone Art Show featured at the library April 22 through May 3; with a special showing on April 24 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Come admire the inspiring work of these young artists. Hope to see you at the library!

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