Today’s Weather: 11/10/22

Hello Norther Colorado! Today will see sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 48F. SSE winds shifting to WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Tonight will have partly cloudy skies. Low 19F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.

City / Town Current Wind Gusts Current Temp Day High Day Low
Ault 21 49 47 16
Berthoud 0 46 50 20
Fort Collins 5 44 48 20
Greeley 3 45 49 18
Laporte 1 48 47 20
Livermore 13 45 44 17
Loveland 13 45 48 20
Red Feather Lakes 30 26 31 11
Rustic/Rist Canyon/Bellvue 13 45 48 20
Wellington 19 46 47 18
Windsor 2 44 50 18
*As of November 10, 2022 10:00am

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