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Letter: Grain not the culprit

Re: Human food kills RFL moose, July issue. I do not know where Officer Jackson got his information about ungulates not being able to digest grain, but I sincerely challenge that theory. Though it may […]

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Alternatives to jail prove effective

By Justin Smith Fourteen years ago, the citizens of Larimer County approved a sales tax initiative that allowed for the replacement of outdated and overcrowded county justice facilities, including a desperately needed expansion of the […]

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Local welder offers artistry and repairs

Metal artist Dwayne Cranford is offering his welding skills to help people who need metal fabrication, repairs or custom work. Dwayne is well known for his metal horse sculptures and unique furniture made from natural […]

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Building a barn? Call Legacy Barns

In the West, a barn is much more than an enclosure for animals or machinery. It is an important part of the landscape, and people pay just as much attention to the design of a […]