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North Forty News receives 400-500 event press releases every month. Unfortunately there’s only enough room in the print edition for about 60 event listings. While we make every effort to run important, local listings there’s still a chance your calendar listing might not make it.

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With our Premium Calendar Placement option, just $19 per month guarantees that your event will be in the paper and that it gets premium, top-of-page placement — where it will be noticed by over 50,000 readers.

Premium Placement

Order Premium Calendar Placement using your credit card. North Forty News (a 6000 Bees LLC company) uses PayPal for our secure online payments. All major credit cards (Visa/MC/AMEX/DISC) are accepted with or without a PayPal account.

Our online calendar at www.northfortynews.com/calendar remains free of charge. Be sure to enter your event!

If you’d prefer to snail-mail your Premium Calendar Placement item, send your calendar item, name, address and ZIP code along with a check for $19 to: North Forty News, P.O. Box 250, Wellington, CO 80549.

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1 Comment

  1. Spellbinders Oral Storytellers of Larimer County tell fascinating stories to elementary school children to enhance listening, literacy and cultural experiences. Potential volunteers are invited to reserve a spot in the March 11, 2015 training sessions. Training takes place from 8:30 till noon on four consecutive Wednesday’s. Spellbinders offers the opportunity to shadow an experienced teller before training to interested potential volunteers. Learn more at http://www.spellbinders.org Register for the classes at [email protected]

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