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Letter: Thanks to the fire department

Editor: On June 13, our 11-year-old daughter, Noel, and her horse had walked down the side of a running irrigation canal in the perfectly wrong place. Once in the water, the horse stumbled and fell […]

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Obituary: Percy A. Conarroe

Percy Allen Conarroe died peacefully in his sleep in Louisville, Colo., on June 15, 2013 with his loving wife, Carolyn, at his side. He was 86. Born March 3, 1927, he was the son of […]

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Letter: Not a gateway

Editor: Oh, so Wellington is now “Colorado’s Northern Gateway?” Sorry, it’s “Colorado’s north central Drive-By.” It will take lots more than a panel of nine “judges” (your eighth grade student may have been the star […]

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Obituary: Leonard McClean Hoyt

Leonard McClean Hoyt, 90, passed away on May 17, 2013 at McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah, having suffered a fall secondary to Parkinson’s. Leonard was born Feb. 6, 1923, to John Schuyler and Ruth […]