Gardens & Landscapes

Gaia Grows

  By Kathleen Miller Gaia’s Farm & Gardens Sustainable living, gardening and farming is based on an understanding of ecosystems, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. It has been defined as an […]


Luck Favors Today’s Buyers

By:  Kareen Kinzli Larsen, Realtor at RE/MAX Alliance   One of my favorite sayings is ‘Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness’.  The Northern Colorado home buying market is teeming with opportunity for those who are […]


12 water-efficient landscape projects receiving funding support through Northern Water grant program

By Eric Brown Communications Specialist 970-622-2306/970-415-2899 [email protected] A Northern Water grant program launched last year is now funding 12 projects that will bring additional water-efficient landscapes to the region and also create new education opportunities […]