Ace This Holiday Season!

by Lucas Casarez

Tweak your behavior to prevent going into debt this holiday season.

  1. Set Limits: Don’t allow the holiday spirit to bury you in a mountain of debt. Set limits and prioritize quality over quantity.
  1. Save Purchases for the Holidays: This helps out gift-givers. Let someone else “gift” you with that item you really want.
  1. Reduce Your Eating Out: Save money and stay in shape before the upcoming holidays present 6 weeks of rich and delicious foods.
  1. Research: Make a plan to shop for sales in enough time to use free shipping.
  1. Make Gifts: One-of-a-kind handcrafted gifts often hold the most value in a world of mass-produced products.
  1. Bake Gifts: Make baked gifts a tradition.
  1. Consider a “Side Hustle:” Consider part-time work such as holiday work in a store, snow removal, or perhaps you can create items to sell online.
  1. Be Present!: This holiday season when around other people make it a point to put away your cell phone and pay close attention to them and to “the moment.” You may be surprised at what you’ve been missing and you stand a chance of creating beautiful holiday memories.

Take all this to heart and when January 1st rolls around you will be well prepared to face the New Year with confidence and vision.


Lucas Casarez, a Certified Financial Planner™, is a husband and father of two amazing kids. As one of the few fee-only financial planners in Northern Colorado, he founded Level Up Financial Planning to guide his clients in taking their financial confidence to the next level.

Have a personal finance question?

Email:  970-222-6783

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