Nancy Harrison, Adventure Media
Here we are in a brand-new year full of opportunities, activities, and fun times for everyone. It’s time to create a calendar for 2023 that encompasses all that happens in Wellington throughout the year.
The January Calendar of Events for Wellington Includes:
WOW – Women of Wellington will hear from Jody Shadduck McNalley, Larimer County Commissioner for District 3. Commissioner McNalley will address what is new in Larimer County for 2023. This event is on January 18 from 6-8 at Meridian Trust. Please register here: https://wellingtonareachamberofcommerceco.growthzoneapp.com/ap/Events/Register/Dr6n3kVr?sourceTypeId=Hub&mode=Attendee This is a great networking event and is open to everyone.
Business After Hours and First Anniversary Celebration of Aesoph Flowers. This is a well-deserved celebration for a business that is marking its First Anniversary in business! Business After Hours is a function of the Wellington Area Chamber of Commerce. It was created to serve as a networking opportunity for members of the Chamber. It is now open to non-Chamber members who can attend for a nominal fee of $15. It’s a great way to meet friends and new clients and, this month – to celebrate and congratulate Aesoph Flowers on their business milestone. The function goes from 5:30 – 7:30 on January 26. Please register to attend!
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The Wellington Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will meet at 8 AM at Zion Lutheran Church for their January meeting. There are always essential items on the agenda, and for that reason, any members of the Chamber are invited to attend. The Chamber is in a growth mode under the leadership of Chairman Troy Hamman. A dynamic new committee structure is being put in place with chairs who are enthusiastic leaders. Members are welcome to contact committee chairs to volunteer to serve on committees they’d like to contribute to.
The Wellington Area Chamber of Commerce will host the Monthly Networking and Educational Breakfast on February 7 at Slurpz, which will be open to serve breakfast to attendees. Hear updates and developments at the Wellington Middle-High School, including a new program called Xello that connects students with work-based learning opportunities. This event goes from 7:30 – 8:30 AM and provides networking opportunities amongst attendees. Register here: https://wellingtonareachamberofcommerceco.growthzoneapp.com/ap/Events/Register/OpRQRnwr?sourceTypeId=Hub&mode=Attendee
If you have items for the Happenings in Wellington column, please send them to Nancy Harrison – [email protected]