The Flower that Literally Changed My Life

Calendula in a hydroponic system, started by seed in February 2023 (Photo by Blaine Howerton)
By Blaine Howerton, Publisher
North Forty News

This headline could mean a lot of things. In Colorado, many people could read this and think, “Yup. Marijuana changes a lot of people’s lives.” Some say for the better, others say for not.

Well, this article isn’t about marijuana. It’s about Calendula.

For years, I had digestive problems. The doctors diagnosed me with acid reflux more than ten years ago and said to use caution with just about everything I like to eat. They prescribed me many antacid medications and told me to stop drinking coffee, alcohol, milk, juice, etc. They also told me I shouldn’t eat cheese, tomatoes, or peppers — all the things I like on Pizza. How does a father with young children not eat Pizza?!?!

I tried for a while, but the medications gave me headaches. And I was miserable because I wasn’t eating what I liked. One doctor told me to deal with it because the alternative was death.

Years later (last year), I was searching for alternative ways to prevent indigestion. I found a lot about Calendula.

There is some fascinating history on Wikipedia about Calendula ( According to the sites I read, the ancient Egyptians used Calendula for its anti-inflammatory properties and to help with indigestion. And many people today are reporting that this “lost way” was helping them.

I decided I had nothing to lose. So, I ordered a big bag on Amazon ( and tried it.

When I got the big bag, I put the blooms and the pedals into my Keurig tea infuser. I expected a bitter, disgusting tea. But I was actually pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t too bad.

I noticed an immediate change. Indigestion I was experiencing stopped! I’m a tea drinker now. I drink Calendula almost every night.

Check out this list at It’s astounding. And after drinking Calendula tea for almost a year, I agree with practically every item on this list!

Recently, I was at the Gastro doc. He asked me if I was taking the long list of medications and had adjusted my diet because he noticed a change. He was surprised when I told him that I wasn’t taking any medications and eating whatever I wanted. I told him about Calendula.

I could tell by the look on his face that he was intrigued, and he told me to keep doing what was working.

I had an uncle (he died a few years ago) who used to drink apple cider vinegar. He was almost nuts about homeopathic “stuff.” But, folks, this (at least for me) is not that. I have introduced it to friends who have reported similar results.

And I have also noticed that my muscles don’t get nearly as sore when I spend long days chopping wood or riding on the tractor. I take very few pain relievers and have a healthier immune system. I live with two young children, who bring all sorts of viruses home.

So, if you have these problems — give it a try. Calendula can be grown in Colorado, and this “lost way” has become a staple in my life. I’m going to grow it on the new farm, in mass!

Read page 7 of this week’s newspaper for more on the new farm initiative. I have a big announcement!


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