How to Maintain Healthy Skin During Weight Loss

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels


 A healthy lifestyle, with regular physical activity, good nutrition, and stress management is needed for normal BMI.  Those people who lose weight gradually let us say 1 to 2 pounds a week are more likely to maintain that weight for longer than those who do it fast. Losing weight comes with lots of challenges. On one hand, you are struggling with hunger pangs and sore muscles due to exercise: on the other hand, you have loose skin, stretch marks, and wrinkles. Saying no to your favorite donut is already stressful, getting dark circles makes this journey even harder. Certain things need to be kept in mind while losing weight if you want to maintain healthy skin during and after your weight loss.

Do not lose weight too fast

One should lose weight gradually; losing not more than 1.5 kg in one week is advised. Once you start your weight loss journey, you want to reach your targeted goal quickly. People sometimes try crash diets and adopt artificial methods to achieve goals quickly, this sudden drop in weight creates a disturbance in hormones, the skin starts to sag and stretch marks are visible. One must set a long-term goal and lose weight moderately; this will help our body follow the rhythm of weight loss.

Eat balanced diet

The human body works properly when it is given carbs, proteins, minerals, etc. If you want healthy skin while losing weight, make sure you eat a well-balanced diet, and make sure you eat the following portions daily.

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  1. Dairy (skim or whole milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)
  2. Protein (eggs, fish, lamb, chicken, beef, ham, pulses etc.)
  3. Carbohydrates (Pasta, bread, etc.)
  4. Fruits
  5. Vegetables
  6. Fats (your body needs a small portion of fat to work properly)


Keep hydrated
In your weight loss journey make water your best friend, drink at least three liters of water daily, to ensure your body does not feel dehydrated. When the body is properly hydrated the skin automatically appears supple and flexible. While jogging, exercising, or doing any other physical activity our body loses water in the form of sweat, we need to balance that by drinking more water.

Adequate sleep routine
As you age start taking your sleep schedule seriously, make a proper routine, and stick to it. Ensure you get at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep if not 8. Our skin and body recharge when asleep, so sleep on time.

Avoid UV rays
Try to avoid the sun as much as possible, if however, you must go to the gym or jog use sunscreen religiously. Ultraviolet rays damage your skin to the extent that the loss is irreversible. Keep a sunblock handy. If you want to maintain healthy skin use sunglasses and keep an umbrella with you all the time.

Practicing skincare routine

You already love yourself because you are losing weight, so why neglect your skin? Invest in a good moisturizer and serums. Nowadays there are so many brands available in the market that offer a good range of skincare products. Consult a dermatologist and buy those fancy creams and serums for your skin your skin deserves to be loved. It does not stop here only buying them is not enough you need to apply those regularly and you can maintain healthy skin during and after weight loss.

Use multivitamins
To maintain healthy skin during weight loss, we must aid the process with supplements. There are several products available over the counter that promise to tighten skin and give it youthful skin. For example, retinol serums are known for their anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties. Similarly, collagen products are famous for their beauty-enhancing properties. By adding collagen to your daily routine, you will get clearer, cleaner, and freckle-free skin. Collagen not only enhances skin and nails, but it also gives volume to your hair. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any supplement. If you have any underlying health issues do take any multivitamins on your own.

Surgical procedures

If you have tried all the above-mentioned remedies and are still not happy with the desired result, then you can opt for a surgical procedure. Many people who lose weight more than 100 pounds often complain that their skin is hanging loose from their body. This hanging skin causes discomfort and creates hindrances to their beauty standards. As the world is advancing, we are introduced to hydra facials, laser technology, cosmetic surgeries, Botox, implantations, and whatnot. You have a plethora of options to choose from, it is your choice to decide which procedure you like for your skin and body. You can opt for plastic surgery and say goodbye to old flabby skin forever.

It is however advised to obtain consent from a registered practitioner before going through any skin procedure. Stay healthy and keep hydrated.


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