CDOT and Law Enforcement Launch New Dui Enforcement Effort to Keep Roads Safe During the Holidays
As drivers hit the road to celebrate the holidays, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Colorado State Patrol, and local law enforcement agencies are gearing up to keep travelers safe from impaired drivers. The Heat is on Holiday Parties DUI enforcement period runs from December 15-29. Drivers may see sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols and additional law enforcement on duty dedicated to impaired driving enforcement. Local law enforcement agency plans can be found at codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-reporting-portal.
As of December 1, there have been 620 fatalities on Colorado roads, of which 221, or 36%, involved an impaired driver.
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CDOT recently launched the “Ultimate Party Host” campaign to prevent impaired driving by offering free Uber rides to or from holiday gatherings. The $10,000 in ride credits were snapped up in just one week. Over 600 people claimed the discount rides, which must be used in the evening in December. CDOT will make an additional 200 Uber credits available Friday, December 17, at Argonaut Wine and Liquor for in-store customers.
“The holidays are a time for joyful memories with our friends, families, and communities, not mournful ones,” said Col. Matthew Packard, Chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “With all the options available, driving impaired should be a ‘thing of the past.’ So, for those unwilling to do the right thing and make a plan before the party begins, our enforcement periods are intended as a holiday gift: to help prevent unnecessary tragedy caused by you on the road.”
During last year’s Holiday Parties DUI enforcement period, law enforcement agencies arrested 349 impaired drivers. Local law enforcement arrest results across the state can be found at codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-reporting-portal.
With December marking National Impaired Driving Prevention month, drivers are asked to never get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, and other prescription drugs. There have been 15,040 DUI arrests so far this year in Colorado. On average, 20,000 people are arrested for impaired driving across Colorado annually — an average of 55 DUIs every day. CDOT continues to hold impaired driving prevention as a high priority statewide to help push towards zero deaths on Colorado roadways.
“Impaired driving continues to threaten the safety of everyone on Colorado roads,” said CDOT’s Office of Transportation Safety Director Darrell Lingk. “We want everyone to travel safely so they can celebrate the holidays with their loved ones. Sober driving is the responsibility of everyone that gets behind the wheel.”
The most recent Thanksgiving Week enforcement period saw 86 participating agencies make 155 arrests. Up next is the New Year’s Eve Weekend enforcement period from December 30 to January 2.
To further continue the fight against impaired driving, the American Automobile Association, in partnership with Lyft, recently launched its Tow-to-Go program. This free-of-charge service transports impaired drivers and tows their vehicles to safer locations within a 10-mile radius — designed as a last-resort safety net. This program will be available from December 24 through January 3, 2022. The identity of anyone who uses the service will be confidential to encourage impaired drivers to use this option. For more information, visit https://aaa.com/towtogo.
For yearly impaired-driving crash and fatality data in Colorado, visit codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety/crash-data-management/fatal-crash-data. Information about DUI laws in Colorado can be found at NoDUIColorado.org. For trends involving impaired driving court cases, drug toxicology results, and other impaired driving data, visit the Colorado Driving Under the Influence (DUI) dashboard at ors.colorado.gov/ors-dui.