Gardening: Get a jump on next spring’s garden right now
A few years ago, I discovered a great use for some of my leftover vegetable seeds. I was trying to plant lettuce for a fall crop, but waited until mid- to late August to plant […]
A few years ago, I discovered a great use for some of my leftover vegetable seeds. I was trying to plant lettuce for a fall crop, but waited until mid- to late August to plant […]
As a Master Gardener, we often receive questions about trees, ornamental plants, diseases and a large variety of other related gardening topics. That’s what we volunteers love to do. Helping you succeed by providing the […]
Cheatgrass is having a spectacular year in northern Larimer County. The extremely wet fall associated with last year’s floods led to a tremendous germination of seeds that may have been in the seedbank for years. […]
Is this the year of the aphid? Are leafhoppers and flea beetles devouring the garden? Can’t keep up with the thrips, slugs or squash bugs? How much are we able to tolerate before applying insecticides […]
We have heard of the Interpol “Most Wanted” list, featuring international gun runners, armed robbers and other similar offensive culprits. As the dog days of summer approach, July gardeners face very similar offensive culprits, the […]
When I moved to Rist Canyon from Dallas back in December 1989, little did I know how much my gardening knowledge would change over the next 25 years. In March 1990, I planted several pots […]
Q: My lawn looked beautiful for several weeks this spring. Recently I’ve noticed brown streaks in the lawn that look like wheel tracks from my mowing company. Did they bring a disease to my lawn? […]
So, it’s almost the end of June and it hasn’t even gotten hot yet. But even so, you’ve been enjoying your homegrown vegetables, maybe peas, lettuce, and spinach while looking forward to green beans, zucchini, […]
July is when you really start to notice them, those large, bright purple, prickly flowers on a tall stalk. Musk thistle can grow up to 8-feet tall, with individual brightly colored flowers at the end […]
Log entry, June 9, 2014: Disappointment and incredulity at chilling temperatures so late in spring just made us realize that, once again, Colorado is a tough (but beautiful) place to grow anything. Why is it […]
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