Letter: Corn can kill
Ruminants can digest high carbohydrate foods, i.e. corn, but under some fairly common conditions a meal of corn will kill them. I suggest a web search for “grain overload,” the common term, or “carbohydrate engorgement,” […]
Ruminants can digest high carbohydrate foods, i.e. corn, but under some fairly common conditions a meal of corn will kill them. I suggest a web search for “grain overload,” the common term, or “carbohydrate engorgement,” […]
On page three of the July, 2011 issue there is a picture of someone holding a young deer. The county dive team rescued a two-day-old fawn. There are basically two types of ungulate species — […]
Re: Human food kills RFL moose, July issue. I do not know where Officer Jackson got his information about ungulates not being able to digest grain, but I sincerely challenge that theory. Though it may […]
Northern Colorado Friends of Ferals wishes to extend our thanks and appreciation to Wellington Veterinary Clinic and Dr. Tracey Jensen for hosting a Trap Neuter Return (TNR) clinic June 12. Veterinarians Margaret Garcia and Sarah […]
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