Calendar of Events for June 2012

Through July 21, “Beads and Baskets: Universal Expressions of Culture,” Global Village Museum, 200 W. Mountain Ave., Fort Collins, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, and 6-9 p.m. first Friday of each month. Admission: $5 adults; $3 seniors and students; $1 ages 3 through 12; under 3 free (tickets half-price for First Friday). Info: 970-221-4600 or [email protected].
May 31-Aug. 2, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Sponsored by Bohemian Nights LLC, the folks who bring you the music at New West Fest, this weekly series showcases Northern Colorado music and musicians. Kickoff show: Elmer Funk. Info:
June 1, Last day of classes for all Poudre School District schools.
June 1-July 1, “Shipwrecked! An Entertainment,” on the lawn at Columbine Health Systems, Centre Avenue and Worthington Street, Fort Collins, Fridays and Saturdays 7 p.m., Sundays 5 p.m., doors open one hour before performance, tickets $14-$27. Bring a blanket, lawn chairs and picnic dinner for a rip-roaring tale of high-seas adventure, presented by OpenStage Theatre & Co. Tickets and info:, 970-221-6730.
June 2, American Association of University Women Fort Collins Branch, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1709 W. Elizabeth St., Fort Collins, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info: 970-484-6710.
June 2, Global Village World Rhythms, Old Town Square, Fort Collins, 1-10 p.m., free. A day of world music and dance from Celtic to African and salsa. Info:
June 2-July 8, “Buffalo Gal,” Bas Bleu Theatre, 401 Pine St., Fort Collins, 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, $15-$22. Info: 970-498-8949.
June 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, Alcoholics Anonymous Freedom Riders Group, Chapel in the Pines, County Road 74E (Red Feather Lakes Road), Red Feather Lakes, 7 p.m. Info: 970-881-3500.
June 3, 10, 17 & 24, Breakfast at American Legion Post No. 4, 2124 County Road 54G (Hwy. 287),
LaPorte, open to the public, 8-10 a.m. Info: 970-484-0418.
June 3, The Music Circle, Property Owners Building, Main Street, Red Feather Lakes, 4 to 7 p.m., free. Community play-along for recreational musicians. Info:
June 4, Civil War Roundtable, Harmony Presbyterian Church, 400 E. Boardwalk, Fort Collins, 1-3 p.m. Info: 970-225-2767.
June 4, Wellington Planning Commission, Leeper Center, 7 p.m. Agenda: Info: 970-568-3381.
June 4, Fort Collins Historical Society monthly meeting, Avery Carriage House, 108 N. Meldrum St., Fort Collins, 7 p.m., free, public welcome. Info: 970-484-9194.
June 5, Wellington Republicans Breakfast Club, Wellington Housing Authority, 3914 Roosevelt Ave., 7-8:30 a.m. No membership fee, no RSVP required; coffee and donuts available for purchase. Info: 970-672-3262,
June 5, eBooks and Beyond, Cache la Poudre Elementary, 3515 W.County Road 54G, LaPorte, 4-6 p.m. Learn how to can access free eBooks, audiobooks, music and video from Poudre River Public Library District 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Info:
June 5, Transit of Venus, once-in-a-lifetime heavenly event with presentations by CSU’s Little Shop of Physics and Northern Colorado Astronomical Society, Red Feather Lakes Elementary, 4 p.m. to sunset, free, no reservations required. Activities for all ages sponsored by the Soaring Eagle Ecology Center. Info: 970-218-9685,
June 5, Front Range PC Users Group, Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive, Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m. Info:
June 5, 12, 19, & 26 Alcoholics Anonymous, The Filling Station, Cleveland Avenue and Fourth Street in Wellington, 7 p.m. Info: 970-568-0040.
June 5 & 19, Wellington Lions Club, Zion Lutheran Church, Second Street and Garfield Avenue, 7 p.m. Info: 970-568-3946,
June 5 & 19, Wellington Town Board, Leeper Center, 7:30 p.m. Agenda: Info: 970-568-3381.
June 6, 13, 20 & 27 Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, 1412 W. Swallow Road, 8:45 a.m. Info: 970-449-9800.
June 7, Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee, firehouse meeting room, 1:30 p.m. Info: 970-498-7683. Agenda:
June 7, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Tonight’s band: RETRO, ’80s tribute band. Info:
June 8-10, Extreme Mustang Makeover, B.W. Pickett Equine Center, CSU Foothills Campus, 701 S. Overland Trail, Fort Collins, competition finals 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday $15; all competing mustangs up for adoption 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday. Info: 970-493-3047.
June 8-10, Virginia Dale Stage Station 150-year Celebration, County Road 43F, Virginia Dale, free admission Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; $10 Western dance and pie auction Friday, 7-11 p.m., with music by Barely Gettin’ By. All proceeds support the Stage Station restoration and preservation project. Info: or
June 9, Town-wide Garage Sale, Wellington, 6 a.m.-2 p.m., maps available at Wellington Town Hall or the Pancake Breakfast at Leeper Center, 6:30-10:30 a.m., $5 adults, $3 kids 7-12, free 6 and under. Info: 970-568-3381,
June 9, Movie in the Park, between Cleveland Avenue and Third Street, Wellington, 8 p.m. cartoons, 8:30 p.m. feature “Real Steel” (PG-13), free. Popcorn and drinks provided, bring your own lawn chair. Info: 970-568-3381,
June 9-10, “Cross Stitching the Border,” third annual Buckeye Community Club quilt show, Buckeye School, 925 W. County Road 80 north of Wellington, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days, no admission but donations help restore and maintain the historic school building. 50 quilts on display, silent auction, raffle, spinning and weaving demonstrations, snacks and more. Info: 970-568-3401.
June 9-10, Taste of Fort Collins, Civic Center Park at Laporte and Mason in downtown, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday, until 8 p.m. Sunday, admission $5 before 3 p.m., $10 after, $15 weekend pass good anytime during the weekend; children under 12, seniors over 65 and military personnel with ID get in free. Food, wine, beer, arts and crafts, music and family fun, proceeds benefit Special Olympics of Larmier County. Info: 1-877-FC-TASTE,
June 9, Goodtimes Dance Club monthly dance, Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive, Fort Collins, 8-11 p.m. Live big band music with Kings of Swing. $15 per couple, reservations required. Info: 970-667-9398 or
June 11, Storybook Puppets, Livermore Community Hall, 1985 Red Feather Lakes Road, Livermore, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages. A group of bilingual PSD students brings classic and contemporary stories to the puppet stage, through the Poudre River Public Library District. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 11, Northern Larimer County Habitat Partnership Program, DOW office on Prospect Road, 4 p.m. Info: 970-493-3535 or
June 12, Storybook Puppets, LaPorte Pizza, 3208 W. County Road 54G, LaPorte, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages. A group of bilingual PSD students brings classic and contemporary stories to the puppet stage, through the Poudre River Public Library District. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 12 & 26, Wellington Food Bank, Wellington Community Church, 8445 Third St., 2 to 3 p.m. Bring proof of income and address. Info: 970-568-9301 (Zion Lutheran Church) or 970-568-9220.
June 12, CSU Twilight Garden Series, “Watering Wisdom,” CSU Plant Environmental Research Center, 630 W. Lake St., Fort Collins, 6:30 p.m., onsite registration begins at 6 p.m., $5 per session, $10 for all three. This first session covers drip irrigation, sprinkler adjustment, and Irrigation 101. Refreshments and door prizes, too. Info: 970-491-7019,
June 12 & 26, Poudre School District Board of Education, Support Services Center, 2407 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, 6:30 p.m. Agenda: Info: 970-490-3607.
June 12, Cruise Night at Taco John’s, 7910 Sixth St., Wellington, 6 to 9 p.m., free. Bring out your classic, muscle car, hot rod, tractor, boat or whatever you ride. Info: 970-217-7226.
June 13, Storybook Puppets, Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Station, 11822 Rist Canyon Road, Bellvue, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages. A group of bilingual PSD students brings classic and contemporary stories to the puppet stage, through the Poudre River Public Library District. Please park on Rist Canyon Road. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 13, Pathways Hospice on Our Own, 305 Carpenter Road, Fort Collins, 6:30-8 p.m., no fee, no registration required. Practical guidance and hope for families facing the loss of a loved one, facilitated by Lani Hickman and co-sponsored by Lutheran Family Services. Info: 970-663-3500,
June 13-Oct. 31, Fort Collins Farmers’ Market, Harmony Road and Lemay Avenue (in front of Ace Hardware), Wednesdays 11 a.m.-3 p.m., rain or shine. Info:
June 14, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Tonight’s band: Futuba. Info:
June 15, Wellington area blood drive, 7910 Sixth St., Wellington, noon-4 p.m. Free. The bus from Garth Englund Blood Bank at PVHS will be accepting local donations in Taco John’s west parking lot. Info: 970-568-7893.
June 15-16, Poudre High School Reunion for classes 1976, 1977 and 1978. RSVP by June 6 on Facebook (Poudre High School Reunion) or at
June 16, Wellington Pet Dog Show, Centennial Park, 3815 Harrison Ave., Wellington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., free. Fifth annual family fun event open to dogs and kids of all ages. Info: 970-412-1502; [email protected].
June 16, Sidewalk Summer Art Show, 215B N. College Ave., Fort Collins, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., free admission. Artist booth fees $25, due June 8; set up begins at 9:30 a.m., tables and chairs not included. Info: [email protected]
June 17, Father’s Day.
June 17, Mission Rocks: A LaPorte Youth Group sponsored by LaPorte Presbyterian Church, 3820 W. County Road 54G, 3 p.m. Children of all ages invited to attend. Info: 970-484-0921.
June 18-22, Vacation Bible School, Morning Star Community Church, Red Feather Lakes, 9 a.m.-noon. For children pre-K to 6th grade. Info: 970-881-2640.
June 19, A Tale of Three Authors, Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive, Fort Collins, 6-8 p.m., free. Local authors Libby James, Gary Raham and Clarice Rutherford will discuss and sign their latest books. Light refreshments served. Info: 970-221-6358.
June 19, CSU Twilight Garden Series, “Challenges of Gardening Along the Front Range,” CSU Plant Environmental Research Center, 630 W. Lake St., Fort Collins, 6:30 p.m., onsite registration begins at 6 p.m., $5 per session, $10 for all three. This second session covers weather patterns for the Colorado Front Range, soil amendments, and surefire perennials. Refreshments and door prizes, too. Info: 970-491-7019,
June 19, LaPorte Area Planning Advisory Committee, West Fort Collins Water District, 7 p.m. LAPAC is a volunteer citizen committee that deals with land use and community issues. Public invited. Info: 970-498-7683. Agenda:
June 20, Story Express! Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Station, 11822 Rist Canyon Road, Bellvue, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages, recommended for families with children under age 6. Storytellers share engaging stories, songs, fingerplays and more, sponsored by the Poudre River Public Library District. Please park on Rist Canyon Road. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 20, Waverly Advisory Committee monthly meeting, Turning Point at Waverly School, 10431 N. County Road 15, 7:30 p.m. Info: 970-568-9818,
June 20, Story Express! Historic Flowers House, 5200 W. County Road 52E, Bellvue, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages, recommended for families with children under age 6. Storytellers share engaging stories, songs, fingerplays and more, sponsored by the Poudre River Public Library District. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 21, Fort Collins Mac Users Club, 4926 Northern Lights Drive, 6:45 p.m. Info:
June 21, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Tonight’s band: Chris Daniels and the Kings. Info:
June 23, Pioneer Living Day, Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum, 4320 E. County Road 58, Fort Collins, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $7 adults, $5 seniors 60 and better, $3 children 3 -12, under 3 free. Come see what life was like over 100 years ago. Bring a picnic and enjoy the day. Info: 970-482-9168,
June 24, Ponderosa Promenaders dance, Livermore Community Hall, potluck at 1:30 p.m., dancing at 2:15 p.m. Info: 970-482-8261.
June 25, GPS Geocaching for elementary and middle school students sponsored by Soaring Eagle Ecology Center, Red Feather Lakes Elementary, 10 a.m.-noon, free, registration required. Parents welcome. Registration and info: 970-218-9685,
June 26, Primary election. Ballots will be mailed to eligible affiliated electors beginning June 4 an must be returned to the County Elections office, 200 W. Oak St., by 7 p.m. No Vote Centers will be open for this mail-only election. Info: 970-498-7820.
June 26, CSU Twilight Garden Series, “Fanciful Fruit,” Gardens on Spring Creek, 2145 Centre Ave., Fort Collins, 6:30 p.m., onsite registration begins at 6 p.m., $5 per session, $10 for all three. This third and final session covers pruning fruit trees for small spaces, fruit trees for the Front Range, and big doin’s with small fruit. Refreshments and door prizes, too. Info: 970-491-7019,
June 27, Story Express! Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Station, 11822 Rist Canyon Road, Bellvue, 9:30 a.m., free for all ages, recommended for families with children under age 6. Storytellers share engaging stories, songs, fingerplays and more, sponsored by the Poudre River Public Library District. Please park on Rist Canyon Road. Info: 970-221-6740,
June 28, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Tonight’s band: SHEL. Info:
June 28-July 1, Mounted Shooters of America kick-off event, Ranch-Way Feeds Indoor Arena & East Pavilion at The Ranch, the Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Center, Loveland. Saturday Night Superstar competition with a $20,000 cash purse open to the public with performances by Western entertainers Brian Bausch and Gary “Bad Dog” Bennett at 7 p.m., $10 adults, $5 under 17. Info: 970-221-2992,
June 30, Summer picnic for Folsom Society, National Society of the Children of the American Revolution, 1100 Clark St., Fort Collins, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. RSVP: 970-231-1036. Info: 970-482-0025.
June 30-July 1, Buckle Series Horse Show and Gymkhana, outdoor Round-Up Arena at The Ranch, Larimer County Fairgrounds Complex, Loveland, registration begins at 7 a.m. both days, $7 per class, $25 per day for English and Western, $30 for all Gymkhana, plus office fee of $5-$8. Sponsored by the Desperados and Wind Dancers 4-H Clubs. Info: 970-663-1371 or 970-0909, [email protected] or [email protected].
Saturdays through Oct. 27, Larimer County Farmer’s Market, Courthouse parking lot, 200 W. Oak St., 8 a.m. to noon. Info:
Sundays through Oct. 28, Fort Collins Farmers Market, Harmony Road and Lemay Avenue (in front of Ace Hardware), 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. Info:
Mondays and Thursdays, Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes, Bellvue Grange, 5:45-7 p.m., all levels welcome, instructor Pamela Fleming. Cost: $15 pre-registered, $20 drop-in. Info: 970-215-7907, [email protected],
Daily: Narcotics Anonymous, meetings in Larimer and Weld counties, open to addicts and nonaddicts. Info: 970-282-8079.

Looking ahead
July 4, Independence Day events scheduled in Wellington and Fort Collins. Fireworks displays dependent upon local fire bans and restrictions.
July 5, Thursday Night Live concert series, Old Town Stage in downtown Fort Collins, 7-9 p.m., free. Tonight’s band: Manabi Salsa Band. Info:
July 14, Fort Collins Jazz Experience Downtown Sessions, two stages of continuous jazz jams from local and regional groups, Old Town Square and Oak Street Plaza, 11 a.m.- 10 p.m., free, sponsored by the Downtown Business Association. Info:

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