Calendar of events for Nov. 2013

Oct. 31, Northern Colorado Flood Recovery Assistance meeting, McKee Building, The Ranch, Crossroads and Interstate 25, Loveland, 1-4 p.m. Meet with a wide variety of agencies providing technical information and procedures for applying for flood recovery assistance. Useful for landowners and agricultural producers with damage to infrastructure and crop losses. Free. Info: Adrian Card 303-678-6383 or [email protected].

Nov. 1, Holiday Lighting Ceremony, Oak Street Plaza, downtown Fort Collins, 6-7:30 p.m.

Nov. 1, Downtown Fort Collins Gallery Walk, 20 galleries offer sculpture, paintings, photographs, 6-9 p.m. Downtown Fort Collins.

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Nov. 2, The Queen of Water—The true story of an Andean girl’s journey discussed by local author Laura Resau, Global Village Museum, 200 W. Oak. St., Fort Collins, 2:30 p.m. Info: 970-221-4600.

No. 2, Folsom Society (National Society Children of the American Revolution) meeting, 2-4 p.m., Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 2000 S. Lemay Ave., Fort Collins. Meetings are held the first first of the month November through May. Info: Carolyn Goodwin, 970-482-0025.

Nov. 3, Daylight Saving Time ends. Fall back one hour.

Nov. 3, premiere reading of Vang, guest director-in-residence John Patrick Shanley’s new work, by his Colorado State University students. Winner of Oscar, Tony, Emmy and Pulitzer prizes, Shanley directed the films Moonstruck and Doubt. A chance to meet and visit with this member of the Bronx Walk of Fame at University Center for the Arts, 1400 Remington St., Fort Collins. Tickets $5 or 970-491-2787.

Nov. 5, Election Day, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Polls open to drop off mail-in ballots.

Nov. 5, Uncanny Valley, special event at University Center for the Arts, 1400 Remington St., Fort Collins. Part of the creative writing reading series. Language and music combine as Jon Woodward reads his poetry and pianist Oni Buchanan reflects the spoken text, 7:30 p.m., organ recital hall. Tickets $12, $7 for students. Available at or at 970-491-2787.

Nov. 5,Wellington Chamber of Commerce Round Table monthly meeting, 7:30 a.m., Taco Johns in Wellington. Mike O’Connell of Larimer County Small Business Development Center will give an overview of SBDC and how they can help Wellington Chamber of Commerce business members. Info: 970-682-5252.

Nov. 5, Front Range PC Users Group, “Do you really know how your e-mail works?” 7 p.m., Senior Center, Fort Collins, room 3. Open to the public.

Nov. 6 and 20, “Nature Notes Club” meetings. Interact with nature while expressing your artistic side through journaling, photography, painting and any other creative means you’d like to explore. Hike rating: easy. Approximately 3-hour program. Please dress appropriately for the weather, and bring along your journaling supplies. Nature Notes meetings are typically held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, usually during the day. Program is free, but registration is required. Info and sign up: Heather 970-619-4489.

Nov. 7, Rural Area Vision meeting, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Leeper Center, Wellington. Open to the public. This is a great opportunity to share your ideas with a representative of the Larimer County planning department regarding what you like and what you would like to see improved or changed in your area.

Nov. 8, Special Veterans Day Mass, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 9:15 a.m. Reception to follow in Meredith Hall. All denominations welcome. Veterans encouraged to wear uniforms and meet at 9 a.m. at the church entrance, 127 N. Howes St., Fort Collins. RSVP to Lydia Olsen, 970-482-1171 ext.272 or [email protected].

Nov. 8, 23rd Annual Veterans Stand Down, The Mission, 460 Linden Center Drive, Fort Collins, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. For all homeless veterans. Hot meal served around noon. Flu and pneumonia vaccinations, haircuts, health screening for hepatitis C, oral screenings, mental health counseling from Veterans Administration, clothing or a clothing voucher available for all in attendance. Employment services by Veterans Employment Specialists from Larimer and Weld Counties Workforce Centers. Larimer County Veterans Service available to help with claims. Larimer County Human Services, the Social Security Administration and others will be present to provide services.

Nov. 9, New Horse, New Owner class, 3 p.m., 7200 Fifth St., Wellington. Free and open to the public. Conducted by veterinarian Chad Zadina, owner of Owl Canyon Integrative Veterinary Services. Please sign up by calling 970-568-7050.

Nov. 9, Annual Turkey Dinner for Red Feather Lakes residents, RFL Property Owners Association building, 5:30 p.m. POA furnishes turkeys, attendees bring a dish to share. A great way to meet or reconnect with community folks.

Nov. 11, Veterans Day.

Nov. 13, Dancing in Combat Boots, an evening with local author and historian Teresa Funke, Wellington Public Library, 7 p.m. Presented by Friends of the Wellington Library. A discussion of this book and her other WWII books, her research and life as an author. Free. Donations welcome. No need to register ahead of time.

Nov. 15, Date Night, half-price admission, 5-8 p.m., Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures, 200 W. Oak St. Fort Collins.

Nov. 16, “Moon Over My Open Space,” 5 p.m. Join naturalist Bob for a moonlit walk at Devil’s Backbone Open Space, located just west of Loveland off of U.S. 34, to look for nighttime critters and learn about owls. Approximately two-hour hike. Rated easy. Free, but registration required at Dress appropriately for the weather and bring water. Info: Heather at 970-619-4489.

Nov. 16, Barbara Fleming will speak about her new book, Legendary Locals at Fort Collins Pioneer Association fall luncheon meeting, Elks Lodge, 1424 Mulberry St., 11:15 a.m. Info: Bonnie Crane, 970-226-4984. Reservations due to Crane by Nov. 12.

Nov. 20, Ed Engle, fly fishing guide and author, will speak at Rocky Mountain Fly Casters 30th anniversary guest night, Fort Collins Senior Center, 5:30 p.m. Fly tying and casting demonstrations. Bring a guest. Free.

Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day.

Nov. 28,Fort Collins Thanksgiving Day Run, 9 a.m., starts north of the intersection of Mountain and College, Fort Collins. 4 miles. Kids’ race 8:45 a.m. Northern Colorado’s largest race. Benefits Food Bank of Larimer County. Online registration only until Nov. 27-then at Fort Collins Club in person. Adults $32, youth 11-14, $20. One child 10 or under, free. Adults and youth $45 and $30 on race day. Long-sleeve tech shirts. Info: or register at

Nov. 29, CSU Marching Band, from 172 N. College to Old Town Square main stage, 6:45-7:15 p.m.

Nov. 30, Thanksgiving “Tooth” Climb with volunteer naturalist Janet. Three-hour program. Bring water, appropriate clothing and turkey day leftovers for the trail. Free. $6 daily parking permit required. Registration necessary at Info: call Heather at 970-619-4489.


Mondays and Thursdays, Vinyasa flow yoga, Bellvue Grange, 5:45-7 p.m. All levels welcome. Instructor Pamela Fleming. $15 pre registered, $20 drop-in Info: 970-215-7907 or [email protected].

Third Friday of every month,Half-price admission to Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. 6-9 p.m. 200 W. Mountain Ave., Fort Collins.

First Sunday of the month November through May, meeting of the Folsom Society, National Society of Children of the American Revolution, 2-4 p.m. Info: Carolyn Goodwin, 970-482-0025

Looking ahead

Dec. 3, The Christmas Rose, Dance Express for community members and dancers with and without disabilities, 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre, Info and tickets:, 970-493-2113.

Dec. 7, Thirty-seventh annual Stove Prairie Winter Festival, Stove Prairie Elementary School, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Details in Roamin’ the Range.

Dec. 7-8, Holiday Art and Craft Fair, Chapel in the Pines Fellowship Hall, 23947 County Rd. 74E, Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Booths, food, bake sale, crafts, holiday treats. Red Feather Lakes Village Library event, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. plus Santa. Sponsored by the Red Feather Lakes Historical Society. Info and details: Pat Clemens 970-495-0560.

Dec. 13-14, Christmas Children’s Shop, LaPorte Presbyterian Church, Details in Roamin’ the Range.

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