Draft of school district's 10-year plan includes consideration of high school for Wellington

From the Poudre School District’s Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan, to be finalized by March 2016:

The complete draft plan can be uploaded in PDF here.


Mid-Term Needs & Proposed Scenarios to Address Growth

Given the population growth already underway within the Poudre School District, PSD’s updated Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan must be designed to address growth with permanent facilities in the mid-term (2016-2022). The following outlines the preliminary scenarios under consideration for inclusion in the updated Facilities Master Plan in summary as well as narrative detail form.

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The scenarios outlined in this section are DRAFT scenarios as of March 2015. Initial and final recommendations regarding which of these scenarios, if any, should be included in the updated Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan will be presented to the Board of Education in August 2015 and in spring 2016.

These inclusions will be made following ongoing discussion within the district as well as with community constituents through community engagement. Plans for community engagement are outlined in a subsequent section of this document. Mid-Term Preliminary Scenarios to Address Growth in PSD.

Draft plan of preliminary scenarios under consideration:

Scenario 4: New Wellington Middle School/High School

Identified Concern:
o Due to anticipated population growth in the Wellington area, the capacity of Wellington Middle School is likely to be reached or exceeded within the 2016-2022 timeframe
o Poudre High School’s current capacity includes 9 modular classrooms, which were not intended to be permanent facility additions

Proposed Solution:
o Build a new 1,200 seat school on a site (TBD) in or near Wellington that will open as a combined middle school/high school and transition to a high school when enrollment can sustain a high school facility
— As this facility transitions to a high school in the future (exact timeline TBD based on future enrollment – no less than 10 years), a new middle school in or near Wellington would need to be constructed
— Discussion of the repurposing of the current Wellington MS building would be needed in this scenario
— The map below outlines a potential boundary area for the proposed new middle school/high school in or near Wellington

• This boundary area would be created by altering the existing boundaries of Wellington, Lincoln and Lesher MS as well as Poudre HS
• Initial demographic analysis of students currently residing in this potential new boundary area indicates that as many as 472 middle school students and 580 high school students could attend this new MS/HS at opening

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