Four more public forums on the proposed new on-campus stadium at Colorado State University will be held this week. Six sessions have already taken place.
CSU’s Center for Public Deliberation encourages members of the community who have not yet attended a forum to take advantage of one of the upcoming sessions:
• Tuesday, March 6, at 4:15 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. in the Cherokee Park Ballroom in the CSU Lory Student Center
• Wednesday, March 7, at 4:15 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. at the Drake Park Restaurant, 802 W. Drake Road
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“We want to make sure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to learn about and provide initial input on the proposed on-campus stadium project at CSU,” said Martín Carcasson, CPD director and associate professor of Communication Studies at CSU. “Whether you support, oppose or just have questions about the concept, I would encourage community members who haven’t already done so to attend one of the remaining forums so that we have a more complete picture of the issues and opportunities associated with the potential stadium project.”
CSU’s Stadium Advisory Committee, chaired by Vice President for University Operations Amy Parsons and Athletic Director Jack Graham, was formed by President Tony Frank to conduct a public input process and prepare a report by the end of the semester on whether the university should pursue an on-campus stadium, as well as specifics about where it could be built and how it would be funded.
The committee has asked the CPD to independently gauge public sentiment through an initial series of 10 public forums and other research methods. The CPD will use the data collected to compile a report that will be presented to the committee at its March 29 meeting. It will also be made available to the public.
“There will be other public input opportunities going forward,” Carcasson said. “These initial public forums are very important, though, because they will give the committee a real-time picture of community sentiments and help shape the next steps with regard to public engagement.”
RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Walk-ups will be seated only if space is available. Participants can RSVP or call the CSU Communication Studies department at 970-491-6140.
Information about the public engagement process will be posted on the CPD website at and the stadium website at