“Grown-Up and Still Having Fun!” is an advertising tagline for JAX Mercantile, a Colorado-based company with a retail location in Lafayette. A recent property purchase to support a second location in Lafayette is proof that JAX is actually still growing – and having fun in the process.
The current 33,000 square foot JAX Outdoor Gear store opened in June 2010 just north of the intersection of Highway 287 and South Boulder Road in Lafayette. This month the fifty-seven year old company will close on property to expand into a second 40,000 square foot retail store. The additional location will be known as JAX Ranch and Home, serving the community with a full selection of hardware, work and western wear, along with a complete offering of equine, pet, and agricultural products. Moving these products out of the existing Outdoor Gear store will make way for their core offering of outdoor clothing, footwear, camping, hunting, fishing and military surplus to be enhanced.
According to company officials, this expansion will allow for a broader product selection and depth to better serve the local community and strengthen the draw of JAX to the Boulder and north Denver markets.
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The new JAX Ranch and Home store will be located at 400 West South Boulder Road. The anticipated opening date is set for November 1, 2012.