February Trooper Tips: CSP Youth Academy

Motorcycle safety
PHOTO COURTESY COLORADO STATE PATROL. The official patch of the Colorado State Patrol. Motorcycle safety

Trooper Gary Cutler
Colorado State Patrol

This month I want to divert a bit from driving tips and discuss a topic very important to troopers.  The mission of a Colorado State Patrol Trooper is not just enforcing the laws on the state’s highways, and interstates.  We are also very involved in educating the public in various areas.

One way we do this is working with Colorado’s youth.  Once a year for one week in June, the Colorado State Patrol allows teens who are at least 16 years old from across the state a chance to see how state troopers are trained at our academy in Golden.  

The goal of the CSP Youth Academy is to assist in the development of future leaders for Colorado. It is a weeklong adventure for the 45 teens that are accepted.  Some of the academy requirements include that they must be a junior or senior for the fall of 2018, write an essay, have two letters of recommendation, and complete an interview with troopers.

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While in the youth academy, teens will get to experience a long list of activities.  These include defensive driving on our state patrol track, firearms safety, self-defense tactics, traffic stops, building searches, team building, and ethics in law enforcement, just to name a few.  At the end of the week there is also a special field trip for the participants.  Past years have been visits to the Bronco’s football facilities, and Rockies games.

The academy is not just for teens interested in law enforcement.  The week long class will help them in their future endeavors.  It will also be an experience they will remember the rest of their lives.  If they want to continue with a career as a trooper, well, we won’t complain.  

The academy is free of charge.  It is paid for by private donors.  For more information contact Captain Lawrence Hilton at 303-273-1882, your local Colorado State Patrol Office, or visit our website: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/csp/youth-academy

This year’s youth academy is June 17th-23rd.  Applications are due by March 7th, 2018.

Next month we’re talking distracted driving.

As always, safe travels!


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