Publisher’s Letter: Along for the Ride — Part 2

Blaine Howerton and his sons in the inagural first trip of "the Winne" (Selfie by Blaine Howerton)
By Blaine Howerton, Publisher
North Forty News

Last week, I wrote about my extraordinary experience meeting Helen, one of North Forty News’ avid supporters. Helen donated a 1990 Winnebago to my sons and me to build new family memories. It was the foundation of a series of articles about being Along for the Ride.

I have an incredible story first! I did some much-needed well-pump work just after I set up the article for publication. The pump went “ka-put,” and I gave replacement a shot. Thank goodness for my handy skills! I got it done. To celebrate in the late afternoon, I decided to pile my sons into the new (to me) “Winne” and take it to my dad’s in Denver. It was crazy windy that day. I snapped a photo of me at the wheel, with my sons in the passenger seats, and hit the road. After a rocky (literally) drive to Denver, we made it safely. I checked my email when I got to my dad’s house, and there was an email from Helen!

Subject: WHAT are the odds?

You, headed east in the motor home late afternoon on Saturday? Me, headed west , coming home from Cheyenne after being delayed by four semi’s blown on their sides on I-25 by the horrendous wind. If it wasn’t you, there is a twin out there somewhere–as I blinked into the rearview mirror, all traits matched the Winne clear down to the cover on the AC. I promise I won’t clutter your inbox but that was too unusual to not share. My best to you.

Now, each of us could have been in MANY places that day. But what are the chances she would see us just minutes into our first trip? Now, I have more content for the outstanding chapter in the “Journey of the Winne.” By the way, Helen, THANK YOU for subscribing to North Forty News and for your kind gesture to help me create the “Journey of the Winne!”

I can’t believe how North Forty News has changed my life for the better. As hard as it is weekly to bring the community news to Northern Colorado, I’m constantly running into unique connections and stories like this. North Forty News is the foundation of my life as I live it today.

For example, the mountain property I own (I call it my sanctuary): Came to me through a classified ad in North Forty News 5 short years ago. 

On this Northern Colorado fire-scorched property in the mountains, I mill lumber. It’s where I chop wood for my daily heat for a wood-fired stove. This private sanctuary has already helped me through a pandemic and a divorce. It has given me a place to live and supports me every day, and I’m building my future home there!

Without the North Forty News classifieds (or North Forty News, for that matter), there’s no telling where I would be today. My story isn’t unique. I have heard many other stories where our ads and content have changed people’s lives. This locally-owned News service is ESSENTIAL!

To keep it going, I have dedicated my entire life (personally and professionally) to rebuild it. I’m proud of the progress my team and I have accomplished. But I still dream of the day when I can put the Ramen noodles on the shelf, look at them as a distant memory, and see how this business is thriving! I know it can, and I know it will.

To help it thrive, I want our readers to join me on this Ride! I have set a goal to bring in 1,000 new subscribers by January. With the population in Northern Colorado, I know we can do this. But we have to do it together. We have 238 new subscribers today. By the way, renewing your subscription (if it has lapsed) counts! And, if you are a current subscriber, continuing today will help us hold and grow the number.

There are many ways to be involved, but subscribing builds our base with our strongest supporters. It is a gesture that shows our progress in numbers! Want it digitally and not in print? We can make that happen. Save a tree, and support North Forty News — that’s great! The options are on our subscription page at

And, while we are building our subscriber base, I’m committing personally to get into the driver’s seat and take another BIG ride — one that will diversify our revenue through significant personal investment into a local commercial property. This property will help North Forty News build a Marketplace for Northern Colorado businesses and individuals.

I am offering supporters of our new Marketplace a complimentary subscription to bring the two together. Go to, pledge your support on the Go Fund Me page, and email me. I will make sure you get your subscription.

So, will you join me for this Ride? 

It’s the Ride of a lifetime, and WHEN we build this base, North Forty News will continue for generations to come!

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