Publisher’s Letter: What it Takes

The Kubota tractor just after she slid (Photo by Blaine Howerton)
By Blaine Howerton, Publisher
North Forty News

If you’ve been reading these columns, you have been reading about how I am diversifying the newspaper’s revenue as North Forty News’ Publisher and Owner. This diversification is necessary, and it’s a considerable challenge while still running North Forty News!

Monday was a typical day. Every week, I climb into my Silverado and drive to Cheyenne to pick up your newspapers on a pallet. They get loaded into the back of a truck with a forklift, and then I’m on my way to a storage unit where our delivery driver, Jeff, meets me to prepare them for distribution for the rest of the week. I make this trek to save our delivery costs.

Monday was a beautiful day, warm weather and all!

North Forty News Publisher Blaine Howerton at the printing facility in Cheyenne, WY (Selfie by Blaine Howerton)

But then, Tuesday came. “Snowmageddon” socked in my road with about 8″ of snow and forced me to focus on plowing. I have 2 miles of road to clear, and if I get it done quickly, the ice stays on the road for the entire winter.

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By Tuesday evening, I had made 1 mile of progress with my friend TJ. Then, one of the wheels from my tractor slid over the edge of the road into the ditch. I stopped just in time, but then the tractor slid. I jumped and hoped for the best. Thankfully the tractor didn’t roll, and I was ok — but there “she” was, stuck.

Up there, the only option is to get it out! Tow trucks are pricey and hard to come by.

After three separate tries, extra hands, several vehicles, tow straps, winches, etc. — no dice, the Kubota wasn’t moving.

So, this put a wrench in my plans for this week to launch North Forty’s first-ever firewood program. But I kept going. I managed to get 1/2 a cord of wood to my yard in the back of my truck, ready to split. I sliced the logs in my front yard with a chainsaw, chopped away, and had 1/2 a cord prepared by Thursday morning.

And, wait, I still had a newspaper to prepare! So, I put my hands on the keyboard and got to work. I’m proud to say I got it done again! All the while, North Forty News gained three subscribers this week, bringing us closer to our goal of 1,000 new subscribers by January. 957 to go!

Our buy one subscription, give one as a gift offer has taken off, and we are gaining new subscribers. 

Just go to and enter the promo code Buy1Get1.

Furthermore, if you recently subscribed (or renewed) and want to give the gift, I don’t want you to feel like you missed out. Get in touch with me, and I’ll honor the deal anyway. A few people have.

And, starting with this week’s edition, I have transformed our back page into the North Forty News marketplace!

You will see products and services from Northern Colorado businesses and individuals profiled each week, next to our classified ads and, eventually, a more permanent directory of companies. Folks, we can diversify, and we are! Want to be listed? Email Matt at [email protected].

Your support of any business in our newspaper, on our website, or in our content helps this locally-owned news service grow and eventually thrive!

Please don’t be shy. Tell our advertisers you saw their ad. Tell organizations that you read about that you saw the articles. Remind others to support us. And be sure to support the North Forty News Marketplace while you subscribe to our newspaper and give it as a gift!

I have worked for five years to get North Forty News to where it is today. My team and I have made significant progress, but we still have a long way to go!

Can you imagine a strong and thriving locally-owned news service? I can!

Please join me. Let’s do this together!

North Forty News Publisher Blaine Howerton at the printing facility in Cheyenne, WY (Selfie by Blaine Howerton)


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