What Are the Best Natural Solutions for Reducing Stress and Anxiety?

Stress. Anxiety. Are these not things we all face? It may be work, relationships, or just the chaos of life, but it seems like, out of nowhere, they both swoop in. Fortunately, there are numerous, easy ways to naturally handle and defeat them. The good news is that reaching for these methods is simple and doesn’t require some radical change in life.

Take a Deep Breath

Ever notice how your breathing changes when you’re stressed? It becomes shallow and fast. Deep breathing is among the easiest ways to hit pause on anxiety. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try diaphragmatic breathing. That’s just a fancy way of saying: breathe deeply into your belly rather than your chest. It helps calm your nervous system and can be done anywhere—no equipment is needed. Mix deep breathing with visualizing yourself being somewhere else, where you feel most relaxed. This will help you further relax your body and mind, enabling you to have better command over your emotions. The best part? You can do it while you’re sitting at your desk or lying in bed.

Want another quick trick? Progressive muscle relaxation. You tense up the different muscle groups, then gradually let them go. A signal to your body that it’s time to relax. It’s really going to help you release tension that you may be holding without knowing it. Tie that in with mindful breathing, and you have a double whammy that will no doubt help to dissipate stress.

Could Medical Marijuana Help?

Before we dive into the topic of medical marijuana as a potential aid for stress and anxiety, it’s important to consider how our bodies naturally manage these feelings. While deep breathing, meditation, and lifestyle changes can often help, some individuals find that these methods alone aren’t enough to combat chronic stress or anxiety disorders. That’s where medical interventions—especially more natural alternatives—can come into play. For those who struggle with persistent anxiety, medical marijuana has emerged as a noteworthy option that is increasingly being considered as part of a holistic treatment plan.

Medical marijuana is gaining traction due to its potential to alleviate symptoms that traditional treatments sometimes fail to fully address. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the two primary compounds found in cannabis — work with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates functions like mood, sleep, and stress. This interaction could help reduce anxiety in certain individuals, allowing them to feel more relaxed without the overwhelming side effects of some pharmaceuticals.

In Pennsylvania, for example, individuals who qualify for a Pennsylvania medical marijuana card gain access to medical marijuana, which has been reported to lessen anxiety symptoms. Under the supervision of a medical professional, medical marijuana can act as a natural remedy to ease chronic stress for some people. It’s particularly worth trying if other natural methods haven’t quite done the job, but it’s important to note that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential before exploring this option.

Medical marijuana isn’t a magic cure, but it can ease symptoms when used alongside other treatments like therapy or lifestyle adjustments. Some people who use it report feeling more present and less overwhelmed by daily stressors. However, like any treatment, it’s crucial to discuss potential side effects with your doctor, especially if you are on other medications, to ensure that it complements your overall health plan.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Yes, It Works!

You’ve probably heard this before, but mindfulness and meditation are a lot more than buzzwords; they really work. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment and clearing away all the anxieties about what may be happening tomorrow or the sorrows from yesterday. Meditation helps to train the brain to remain in this state for longer lengths of time. Research shows that even short periods of mindfulness can reduce anxiety and enhance emotional health. Just five to ten minutes of meditation per day could dramatically affect how you handle stress. Through meditation, which builds mental resilience over time, you are not as reactive to things that put you into stress mode. It’s just like physical exercise—in this case, for your brain: the more you do it, the better you get.

You do not have to meditate for hours. Even a few minutes each day will, over time, help lower anxiety. You can easily get started through apps like Headspace or Calm if you’ve never tried meditation before. You may also want to try guided meditations, which could provide a little structure if just sitting quietly is a bit intimidating. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll likely find meditation a handy tool for navigating stressful situations.

Move Your Body

You don’t have to be training for a marathon to reap the stress-busting powers of exercise. Get up and move around—yoga, walking, hitting the gym—can work wonders. Exercise releases endorphins, basically those chemicals that make people happy. It’s like hitting reset on your brain and giving it a happy reboot. But don’t forget, it’s good for your health too. Even light exercise, like a quick 10-minute walk, can have a pronounced effect on lowering stress. It gets the blood flowing and helps clear the mind, giving you a mental timeout from whatever has you down.

Even on days when you feel like you don’t have the energy, a little walk can do wonders. Your body and mind will thank you. When possible, try outdoor exercise. Being in nature amplifies the stress-relieving benefits by further calming the nervous system.

Herbal Helpers

Nature’s got a pretty solid pharmacy. If you are more into traditional remedies, herbs such as ashwagandha, valerian root, and chamomile have been widely renowned for their soothing effects. A cup of chamomile tea before sleep may do wonders, while ashwagandha decreases cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. Valerian root is used in many teas and supplements to help people fall asleep quicker and improve the quality of sleep. These herbs have been used for hundreds of years to naturally alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress. 

But let this be a word of caution: always check with your doctor before diving into herbal supplements, especially if you’re on other medications. Natural does not equate to risk-free. Some herbs may interact with prescription medication or even cause side effects, so professional advice before starting a new regimen is always highly recommended.

Aromatherapy: Odors That Soothe

The smell is one of the most dramatic senses. It can bring memories to life, lighten or worsen your mood, and—yes—reduce anxiety. Lavender, among others, has been proclaimed an anxiety soother. From using its essential oils in a diffuser to delicately applying a few drops on your pulse points or taking a lavender-scented bath, aromatherapy is simple yet effective in creating a better environment. This would include lavender and other essential oils known for their soothing effects, like bergamot and ylang-ylang. It’s about finding that one smell that speaks to you and will help you relax.

Other smells you can try? Chamomile, lemon, and even pine. Whatever scent makes you happy, go for it. It’s totally up to what feels good to you. Don’t have time to sit around but want those great essential oils working for you? You can use them on the go with a rollerball, adding that touch of calm when you need it.

Get Grounded

Sometimes, we just need to get back to the basics. Grounding, or earthing, involves physically connecting with the earth. It might sound a little out there, but walking on grass or sand barefoot helps balance energy levels in your body, calming your mind. Studies show that grounding helps reduce inflammation and improves sleep. Such a simple activity, yet very effective for feeling more centered. It gets you outside into fresh air, unplugged from your screens.

No nearby park or beach? Indoor grounding mats work mostly the same way, providing you with the same benefits from the comfort of your own home. It is an easy way to get that contact with the earth even when there are busy days at hand.

Nutrition and Hydration Matter More Than You Think

Ever notice how cranky you get when you’re hungry? Or how sluggish you feel when dehydrated? What you do and don’t eat can make a huge difference in how stressed you feel. Eating a diet with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and B vitamins can help keep anxiety at bay. Eating more foods like salmon, walnuts, and spinach will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight stress. These nutrients support brain health and enable you to stay more emotionally balanced.

And don’t forget water! Lack of fluids can make cortisol surge, so be sure to drink enough throughout the day. Keep a water bottle near you at all times, and try to drink at least eight glasses per day to keep your mind clear and your stress low.

Finding What Works for You

At the end of the day, stress and anxiety don’t have one-size-fits-all solutions. What works for one person may not work for another, so feel free to mix and match these strategies above until you find what helps you feel your best. Keep experimenting, and tweaking your routine until you find what brings you peace of mind.

Keep in mind that if stress and anxiety ever feel overwhelming, there’s always extra help from professionals. Sometimes it takes just a little guidance from professional support to get you back on track. Meanwhile, these natural remedies are great ways to get started. Which one will you try first?


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