Clean Opinion and 40th Certificate of Excellence 

Larimer County has received a clean audit opinion for its 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report prepared by the Larimer County Department of Finance.

The Board of Larimer County Commissioners accepted the report at their regular Administrative Matters Meeting. A clean opinion provides the public with confidence the county’s financial reporting is reliable and transparent. The report includes the county's audited financial statements, management’s analysis, statistics, and other financial information.

RubinBrown, Certified Public Accountants & Business Consultants, a firm of independent accountants, audited the financial statements of Larimer County as required by the State of Colorado Statutes. Under the guidance of Larimer County Director of Finance Carol Block, Controller Lorrie Lopez, and Accounting Manager Alex LaBlanc, County staff prepared the report.

Larimer County was recently honored with its 40th consecutive Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for last year’s (2021) Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. This award, granted by the Government Finance Officers Association, recognizes governments that go above and beyond the basic reporting requirements for a clean opinion. Only about 17% of counties nationwide receive the award in any year. The county plans to submit its 2022 financial report for consideration under the same program.

To view the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, visit

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