“Dream Big — Read!” is this year’s Summer Reading Program theme. It’s funny how three little words can inspire so much creativity. I immediately want to create and invent and encourage kids to do the same. Summer is for dreaming. It’s a time for try new things and think in new ways.
There is always a starting point with every great invention. At the library, we will have a table full of all kinds of odds and ends to help kids and adults create. You can take your invention with you or put it in our invention display: Caution — Dreams @ Work!! You can also drop in anytime and make your own dream holder. Curious what that might be? Drop in and see! Sometimes it takes just a spark to get you going and pretty soon the ideas are flowing fast and furious. That’s what a dream holder is all about. So don’t dismiss your dreams… they are the fuel for progress.
By Gene Ann Trant,
Library Director
Our first program is June 19. It is a martial arts demonstration by AKJ Karate located right here in Wellington. I had the pleasure of meeting with Paul Helvie, the owner and I just know we are all going to have a lot of fun learning about karate. He is living his dream of teaching karate to all ages. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of learning a martial art. Here is your chance to give it a try.
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Our second program is June 25 at 11 a.m. Singer and songwriter Andy Mason will be doing an outdoor concert for us. And yes, there will be singing and dancing! Andy is an entertainer for all ages so the seniors who also meet that day will be joining us. The last two programs will be described in July’s library article. Please check out our advertisement in this month’s North Forty News, our website and/or Facebook. They contain all the important dates about the summer reading program.
The Wellington Public Library Book Club will meet June 14 at 7 p.m. to discuss “The Ghost” and “The Ghost Writer” by Robert Harris. “The Ghost” is a 335-page political thriller and fast paced, so you have plenty of time to pick up a copy here at the library and join us. The book club will take the month of July off and start up again in August.
EBooks and other media are available for downloading from the library’s website. Library card holders can check out and download digital media anytime anywhere by visiting out website, http://wellington.colibraries.org. Look for the OverDrive button on the website.
The library has instruction sheets available on downloading digital media to your specific device. There are also instructions on the OverDrive website. If you have questions just call or come by the library. We will be glad to help get you started.
Don’t forget our two storytimes in June. Tuesday, June 12, we are reading about “picnics” and June 26 is “red, white and blue for you”. Starting time is 11 a.m.
Have a great summer!