Jax Outdoor Gear hosts 6th annual Local Author Day

Jax Outdoor Gear once again welcomes 50 local authors to discuss, autograph and sell their books 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 8, Local Author Day.

Come to chat with authors of books on hiking, climbing, camping, horse training, fly-fishing, fossils, ecology, gardening, job-seeking, dog-training, Colorado history, ghost towns and a host of other fascinating topics. Rub elbows with local mystery writers, novelists and children’s authors. Meet well-known folks, like author/photographer John Fielder, and newly published talent, like Nancy Phillips, author of the just released “A Tardy Justice.” This is a great event to meet and talk with an interesting group of talented locals and might be a good chance to get a jump start on your holiday shopping list.

More than 150 different titles will be on display and available for you to peruse and purchase. Ten percent of the retail price of all books sold at the event will be donated to the Poudre River Library.

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Jax Outdoor is located at 1200 N. College.

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