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Obituary – Shirley Maxwell

Shirley Maxwell of Red Feather Lakes passed away on Aug. 20, 2011. She was 84. Shirley was born to Ira and Jessie (Ward) Southard on June 13, 1927, on the family farm home near Big […]

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Obituary: Eulilae Mae (Board) Nichol

Eulilae Mae (Board) Nichol, 90, of Fort Collins died Aug. 20, 2011. She was born July 15, 1921, in Chugwater, Wyo., to Delbert and Dora (Bostwick) Board. She moved to Fort Collins at the age […]

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Poudre School District pleased with CSAP scores

Poudre School District logged some respectable gains in Colorado Student Assessment Program performance in 2011 testing. Third-graders throughout the district improved nicely in reading, going from 81 percent proficient in 2010 to 84 percent in […]

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Letter: Dogs and dog days of summer

I was disappointed to read in last month’s NFN that “Sixty volunteers washed 106 dogs” & only raised $1,200. That averages only $11 per dog washed. For a “good cause,” that’s bad! Surely it should […]

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Letter: Corn can kill

Ruminants can digest high carbohydrate foods, i.e. corn, but under some fairly common conditions a meal of corn will kill them. I suggest a web search for “grain overload,” the common term, or “carbohydrate engorgement,” […]